Moscow: Russia will respond if US troops withdrawn from Germany are transferred to Poland


“It just came to our attention then [JAV prezidento Donaldo] The reasons for the short-term action are not so important to us, we are concerned about its possible consequences, “Konstantin Kosachov, chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Upper House of the Russian Parliament, wrote on the Facebook network.

“If this increases the military contingent at our borders, it will be countered and worse for everyone.” As a result, Washington will not lose anything, Poland will fulfill its ambitions, but in general we can return to the situation in 1997, when Russia and NATO had not yet concluded any agreement. That would be a defeat for all of Europe, “emphasized K. Kachachov.

The senator believes that Trump “is not honest about the increase in tensions in the East, but he sees all these games with the forces as a kind of” business project “.

“It just came to our attention then [Vokietijos gynybos ministrė Annegret] Kramp-Karrenbauer said: “NATO is not a commercial organization and security is not a commodity.” In short, just a commodity. He himself, I believe, understands that neither Poland nor, a fortiori, the United States faces any real and relevant threat on the eastern borders. At least one that tens of thousands of soldiers could defend against, “said the head of the committee.

Trump said on Wednesday after a meeting with Polish President Andrzej Duda that some of the troops leaving Germany would return to their homeland and the rest would be deployed to Poland and other European countries.

“Some of the troops will return home, others will be transferred to other European countries, especially Poland,” he said at a press conference at the White House.

Trump confirmed that Washington would significantly reduce its military presence in Germany and leave about 25,000. soldiers
