More than half of Lithuanian children eat very little of these products: a nutritionist urges parents to catch up


According to dietitian L. Barauskienė, what is fed to a child in the first year of life not only affects its growth and development, but also affects its later health and development, so the diet and eating habits of the family they are the foundation of all life, according to the press release. .

Children still avoid eating vegetables

The nutrition test showed that 70 percent. Children 1 to 2 years old eat small vegetables and fruits. Only 13 percent. children eat vegetables and fruits 3-4 times a day. More than half (62%) of children eat vegetables and fruits only 1-2 times a day, and 14%. – only 1-2 vegetables or fruits in total.
Dietitian L. Barauskienė advises serving fruits or vegetables with every meal: with breakfast, all snacks, lunch and dinner.

“It is recommended to serve at least 5 servings of vegetables and fruits a day, you can have as many as 7 to 10, including nuts and seeds. In order for children to eat vegetables or fruits, they must be washed, cut in a way that is convenient for picking up and helping children in a visible and accessible place. From an early age, a child should be given as many types and flavors of vegetables and fruits as possible. The plate should be as colorful as possible. Parents must lead by example, and vegetables and fruits can be grown, collected, bought and produced together, ”says the nutritionist.

More than half of Lithuanian children eat very little of these products: a nutritionist urges parents to catch up

The test showed that most children (66%) bite two or three times, the recommended daily amount. Snacks are enjoyed by many, with 59% citing them as their top snack choice. However, only 5.4 percent eat vegetables for snacks. children, and a third (32.4%) prefer to eat chips, cookies, cupcakes, sandwiches, dairy products (milk, kefir or curd, yogurt with additives) as snacks.

According to the nutritionist L. Barauskienė, it is very good to eat dairy products together with fruits or vegetables during the snack. It can also be yogurt, curd without added additives, for example: any fruit can be cut into curd or yogurt. Also, milk or a special dairy drink can be a great snack, ”says the nutritionist.

The best drink for children is water, but it is very little.

According to nutritionist L. Barauskienė, water is the drink of first choice, but the test showed that 76 percent. Children 1 to 2 years old drink very little water; only less than a third of children (24%) drink the recommended amount of water per day: 500 ml and more.

“If one-year-olds still drink breast milk or a special dairy drink, then for older children, water should be the drink of choice. You should get used to drinking water from an early age. Do not give them sweetened beverages, juices, or Unfortunately, in Lithuania we are not in the habit of drinking plain water, so it is necessary to get used to drinking water not only for young people, but also for adults ”, says nutritionist L. Barauskienė.

Is the child picky about food? Patience!

Often parents complain that the child does not eat one or the other food.

Aptaclub’s nutrition test showed that in Lithuania almost a third of children (28%) are picky eaters or at least their parents think they are. While you may sometimes lack the patience to try, offer it over and over again. The nutritionist advises not to rush to “dismiss” the product or dish as a favorite.
“It is possible to offer up to 20 times. Show an example every time you eat, encourage them, invite them to taste a new product, when there is a familiar and familiar food nearby. In no way should parents force you to eat! And again, I will repeat: together with the child, plan, buy, prepare meals and serve them in a playful way ”, suggests nutritionist L. Barauskienė.

The art of food or how to make a child order vegetables himself?

The art of food or what to do for a child to order vegetables himself?

The nutrition test showed that 1 to 2 year olds dislike fish any more and often refuse to eat it, which is why almost a third of parents responded. Avoid cereals and potatoes (20%), meats and vegetables (more than 15%) and water (12%). This is what parents say, but in fact 1-2 year old children still do not know if they like or do not like one or another food, this is usually the attitude of parents, especially if they do not like it or not they eat those products themselves. Therefore, a nutritionist advises not to express your negative opinion about various products or dishes when a child listens.

Food allergies or intolerances are not a common problem

The test results showed that 88 percent. Children are not allergic to food, but a third of those who report that their children experience adverse reactions to food noted allergies to dairy products.

According to pediatrician E. Nazimovienė, a doctor determines food allergies based on information about the child’s symptoms and medical history, finding out how the child developed a food allergy, if his body does not tolerate any products or if there is another cause of the symptoms.

“Food has several side effects, such as allergies or food intolerances, more recently called food hypersensitivity. Symptoms usually affect the skin, intestines, or airways, or occur in several of these areas. It is important to know if the baby is experiencing these symptoms from food and, if so, what products are causing them, ”says Dr. E. Nazimovienė.

More than half of Lithuanian children eat very little of these products: a nutritionist urges parents to catch up

Many children find it difficult to concentrate at the table

Dietitian L. Barauskienė advises encouraging slow and mindful eating from an early age.
“Parents who took the test indicated that their children 1 to 2 years have difficulty concentrating while eating: sometimes it is difficult to concentrate to eat 58 percent. Children, and almost 20 percent. – always. Parents are teachers and they must teach the child to pay attention to what we are doing here now, how we do it, to count / ask about the colors, to let them smell, to touch if they wish, to ask about the taste they feel in their mouth, tummy. Encourage slow and attentive feeding. To teach how to use cutlery, napkins. There should be no stimuli: gadgets, radios, musicians, books, etc. The whole family will sit at the table together, communicate on pleasant topics. But remember that small children still cannot sit for 30 minutes or hours at the shared table. Therefore, after eating, it can be released. The older the child, the longer the stay at the table will be “, says L. Barauskienė , nutritionist.

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