More than a thousand people are sick in Dzūkija



November 17, 2020

TitlePhoto by V. Balkūnas

Last day 966 cases of coronavirus were detected in Lithuania, reports the National Center for Public Health (NVSC). According to the Center’s estimates, 56 of the latest COVID-19 diagnoses are in Alytus County. Mostly sick here right now In the city of Alytus – 573 (yesterday there were 535) people.

Officially Crowning All Coronavirus in Alytus County (Including Alytus City and District) Now already affects more than a thousand people, including:

166 (yesterday there were 146) – in the district of Alytus;
128 (yesterday 119) – Varėna district;
79 (yesterday it was the same) – Druskininkai municipality;
29 (yesterday 28) – Lazdijai d.

Another 30 (yesterday there were 26) sick in Birštonas belonging to Dzūkija and 226 (yesterday there were 212) in the neighboring district of Prienai.

The COVID-19 situation in the Alytus County neighborhood, where morbidity decreased only in Kalvarija, is as follows:

672 (yesterday 651) people are sick in the municipality of Marijampolė;
201 (yesterday 197) – Trakai Township;
43 (yesterday I was 51) – Kalvarija mun.


9 cases have not yet been assigned to any region of the country due to lack of information. The regions to which to assign these cases will be determined after the epidemiological study.

Cases of coronavirus infection related to outbreaks were confirmed yesterday in Marijampolė and the Kybartai Correctional Center, such cases are not known at the Alytus Correctional Center or have not yet been reported.


43 patients are treated in the temporary COVID-19 unit at Alytus County Stasys Kudirka Hospital, 4 of them in the Resuscitation and Intensive Care Unit.
