More than a million doses of COVID-19 have been injected over the weekend in Hanoi.


Health workers in the capital Hanoi, where the quarantine has been applied since July, vaccinated people overnight.

More than a million doses of vaccine were injected in Hanoi over the weekend, and a total of around 5.5 million doses have been used in the city since vaccination began in March. dose, reported the Ministry of Health.

“We need to speed up the vaccination program so that we can create a plan to open up the city,” Hanoi Mayor Chu Ngoc Anh said on Sunday.

About 80 percent. than 5.7 million Hanoi’s adult population has been vaccinated with at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, and city officials aim to reach 100 percent by the end of this week. indicator.

However, the overall vaccination rate in the country remains low, around 28% and only 4%. the population is vaccinated with both doses.

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Vietnam has managed to maintain a low morbidity rate, and as of April this year, only 35 coronavirus deaths had been recorded in the country. However, with the spread of the delta variant of the coronavirus, COVID-19 has infected more than 600,000 people in the last four months and the pandemic has claimed more than 15,000 lives.

In Ho Chi Minh City, the country’s business center and the city hardest hit by the virus wave, more than 95 percent. Adults received the first dose of the vaccine, but many of those who need to receive the second dose cannot receive it due to low vaccine stocks.

To address the vaccine shortage and accelerate the vaccination campaign, the Vietnamese health authority has authorized the use of different doses of COVID-19 vaccines. Experts say the tactic is likely safe and effective, but scientists are still collecting data to make sure.

The AstraZeneca, Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and Sinopharm coronavirus vaccines are currently in use in Vietnam.
