More than 700 trucks wait at the Lithuanian-Belarusian border, drivers are furious, customs expects to repair the system today | Deal


Laimis Žlabys, Head of the Customs Control Organization Division of the Lithuanian Customs Department 15 minutes It said it had managed to increase the performance of the tugs since Wednesday, but it is still far from the usual pace. He confirmed that the system failure that caused these problems has yet to be fixed.

The Customs Declarations Processing System (MDAS), the National Traffic Control System (NTKS) and the Data Collection and Processing System on Trade Flows of the Republic of Lithuania with the Member States of the European Union (EU) ( IDAIS) are non-operational for the third day.

In the most optimistic scenario, the system is expected to be repaired by 2 pm The real option, according to representatives of the Customs Department, is to fix everything today.

The truck queue at the Medininkai border crossing consisted of more than 700 trucks as of noon Thursday. At the other two border points with Lithuania, the same number of trucks were waiting in total, so the total number of trucks waiting exceeded 1.5 thousand.

On the Lithuanian side, some 300 trucks are trapped in internal customs posts.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Customs Department

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Customs Department

“Compared to yesterday, the performance at the Medininkai road stand has doubled. Before that, there were 88 cars per day, and on the last day 210 cars entered Belarus from Lithuania. During the last day, only 100 cars left. from Lithuania, yesterday the result was 360 “, – said L.Žlabys.

15 minutes According to the information, there are no large tug lines on the Lithuanian side, they all formed on the Belarusian side. “We have eliminated the queues on the export side, now all the queues are on the Belarusian side. The queue was largely due to our fault. We took all measures, more people work. As there is no movement of cars due to the pandemic, another artery for service has just been opened through the car lane. In this way, we mechanically increase our bandwidth, “said L.Žlabys.

Drivers are outraged: some are at the border for the third day

Raimund, a driver trapped on the Belarusian border, talking on the phone 15 minutes, said drivers are not aware of queuing and do not feel faster movement.

“Some drivers have been on their feet for four days and everyone is cursing Lithuania. I have to deliver the cargo to Germany from Friday to Saturday, the Germans are in shock. Almost 25 km queue, drivers eat without bringing . I stop in a place the third day, “said the driver.

The man claimed that such incidents damage Lithuania’s image both among drivers and international transport companies.

“If I don’t deliver the cargo from Friday to Saturday, I will be fined 500 euros. Who will compensate me, Lithuanian Customs? No one talks to us. I had planned to deliver the cargo on Friday, but now I don’t know anything. The Germans are surprised that we are in the European Union, and these things are happening, ”said Raimundas.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / In the hunters - Tractor tails

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / In the hunters – Tractor tails

His 15 minutes Another driver, who was unwilling to introduce himself, said his colleague had been stuck at the border for several days. “He comes back from Kazakhstan and is at the eighth kilometer on the Belarusian side. At the eighth kilometer, imagine how many machines there are. He has been there for three days. pinch, the drivers are angry, “said the driver.

He himself said that he was not queuing, but recalled his previous experience at the German border. “I’ve been in such a situation before, we were waiting at the German border. There, the computers didn’t work for exactly an hour and there was a big scandal across the country when the main roads were closed. And we don’t have a third day and all. champion“,” The man said.

Linava: the number of trucks on the Belarusian side has increased overnight

According to Romas Austinskas, president of the Linava Association, the queue on the Lithuanian side decreased slightly overnight, as additional responsible officials were dispatched to help with paperwork, but the number of tugboats on the Belarusian border increased.

“We understand the difficult situation of the drivers and ask for patience. In addition, since these systems are not stalling for the first time and are causing major problems for drivers and disrupting business, and the current situation has simply disrupted their plans, we suggest that the responsible authorities provide funds for their improvement. After all, unmanaged equipment breaks down, so you have to invest in it. It may even be worthwhile to move the servers to another place to avoid such disturbing situations in the future ”, R. Austinskas is quoted in the report sent by the association.

In customs systems, intermediaries have to generate information about the vehicles that leave and arrive with or without cargo, but they cannot do so because they do not work. The cargo also contains perishable products, such as food and other important cargo for the economy and trade. According to the representatives of the Linava Association, the problem of empty trucks is not solved either, they are not missed either.
