More and more cases of coronavirus on the beach: Klaipeda admits to scratching the seams, asks for a specific vaccine


Palanga City, Klaipeda City, Kretinga District. and Silute district. municipalities erupted due to deteriorating coronavirus statistics.

Palanga currently 100 thousand. 201 cases per 14 days, the proportion of positive tests is 5.2%. It entered the worst red zone of COVID-19 – C3. In the city of Klaipeda: 184 cases per 100 thousand. population within 14 days, the proportion of positive research – 3.7 percent. In Šilutė district – 140 cases per 100 thousand. the proportion of the population and positive research is 5.6%. In the Kretinga district: 155 cases per 100,000. population in 14 days, the proportion of positive research – 4.4 percent.

A vaccine is missing

According to the mayor of Klaipėda, Vytautas Grubliauskis, the coast is becoming a higher risk area, where all of Lithuania gathers on weekends and it is natural that it will arrive leaving unwanted things.

“It just came to our attention then. This is a very serious reality. We will probably not cool the summers or make it rainier or introduce barriers to municipalities. It probably won’t be, but there are other measures in the municipality that I think will gradually help manage the situation with measures like, let’s say, regulatory and disciplinary measures. “

Vytautas Grubliauskas

Vytautas Grubliauskas

© DELFI / Karolina Pansevič

He referred to the requirement that those who work in certain areas and in certain areas must have passports of opportunity or proof that they have been vaccinated.

“In my opinion, this is a serious step in building a firewall against the spread of the virus. There will also be as many people tested as possible. However, I want to say right away that there are problems in the context of implementation. So General, you don’t always see from Vilnius <...>Now that people have started to flow en masse to the test points, things are starting to break the seams again like they were a year and a half or two ago. “

Grubliauskas said that on Monday he had a meeting with Raimundas Grigaliūnas, the head of the Klaipėda department of the National Center for Public Health, because of the situation.

“I’m really going to talk about it clearly and specifically. Klaipeda alone cannot cover this problem in the entire region. The mobile points of all municipalities must operate at maximum speed, not in semi-free mode as they are now, ”said the mayor.

He also explained that efforts should also be made to bring the vaccine to each person.

“In apartment buildings, vacations, as well as in specific companies, corporations or organizations. Naturally, this will continue. But there is another thing that the ministry should ask the question clearly enough: if there was a time when there were many people but vaccines were lacking, now it is the other way around. <...>.

The demand for the Johnson vaccine is now much greater than what is supplied. In this place, let the state or the ministry not shoot themselves in the foot, because as if they allow people to go get vaccinated, they do not provide the most popular Johnson vaccine. Maybe we should exchange something, or something. “

According to the mayor, it is necessary to react quickly to the situation and, above all, not to disappoint a person when he wants to be vaccinated.

“The ministry has to find solutions for these vaccines as there are now. There are things here that do not depend entirely on us, although, of course, we will also be talking with company executives whose employees are not all vaccinated yet. We have many cases in which 5-6 people want to get vaccinated in a company and send a brigade there just for that many people, it’s a shame for the resources. We are already working on the congestion.

More and more cases of coronavirus on the beach: Klaipeda admits to scratching the seams, asks for a specific vaccine

© Mindaugas Milinis

We are already saying come, we will turn on the “green light”, the hallway will be ready, go to the cabin without registering almost in the same minute. But you know, it’s always more convenient for someone to drive you to work without taking a break from work. “

No big waves should be raised

Kretinga district Mayor Antanas Kalnius said he is not yet considering local restrictions.

“I think we all understand that this is a coastal area and people from all over Lithuania come here on vacation. This is a consequence of the fact that we, Palanga, Klaipeda and Silute, are all in that red zone.

You really shouldn’t, as they say, make big waves thinking this is something exceptional. I think that now there is a very high concentration of population in the area and that is causing such disease problems ”.

According to the mayor, the passport of opportunity is a good thing and a good tool, but he asked if it is only always used.

“I am really in favor of this being the case and I think it helps to control these flows and the possibility of infections. Do you need it everywhere? Sometimes there are also questions, for example, when there is a large flow of people in the market, is a passport of opportunities needed or not necessary?

In supermarkets, necessary or not? Like it is not mandatory, but there is also a high concentration of people. There are many questions for which sometimes we do not have the answers. “

More and more cases of coronavirus on the beach: Klaipeda admits to scratching the seams, asks for a specific vaccine

© Gytis Vidžiūnas

A. Kalnius also added that he had taken all possible measures regarding vaccination, invited and went to the companies that had expressed their desire to vaccinate.

“We have tried all the possibilities, but we should start talking about people’s own conscience. That is what we lack now and I think it is already a challenge for us. It is true that the number of vaccinated is gradually increasing. Realize that we don’t have the numbers we don’t want, but it’s summer now, the weather is nice, it’s vacation time, and part of the population may have been postponed to the next day.

The decision that certain groups would need additional testing, I think, really worked on Thursday, Friday, we really had a live queue at our vaccination center, ”Kretinga district said. mere.

He also offered to wait a bit and said the situation should improve.

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