Monkevičius recounted how students will return to schools: not everyone will be in class


A. Monkevičius reminded the committee that the Government will decide the return of the students to educational institutions on Wednesday. He presented a scenario to be presented to the Cabinet today.

“First of all, the doors of educational institutions will open for primary classes starting on May 25. But this is not a mandatory provision, it is the right to admit children to school for education, combining a Live educational process with distance learning.And starting June 1, other classes may return: Grades 5-10 and 11. Starting May 25, we also offer live and remote coordination of graduate consultations. May 25, we would like to allow non-formal education institutions to organize summer vacations for children starting in June, “said the minister.

He said that one and a half million euros will be allocated for the students’ summer vacations. They will be distributed to the municipalities.

The Minister of Education, Science and Sports reiterated that it is not necessary for students to return to educational institutions.

“There can be no such mandatory return, it would be a gradual return, trying,” he said.

A. Monkevičius assured that all these steps are being taken in preparation for the new school year.

“The situation on September 1 will be very similar: it will be necessary to protect people at risk, we will have to think about how to work, it will be very difficult.” It will be necessary to combine distance education and contact, not all teachers, students will be in the classroom. So we could think and see how it will work, ”said Minister A. Monkevičius about the challenges of the upcoming school year.

The municipalities of Klaipeda and Vilnius have announced that this year students will not return to educational institutions. Minister A. Monkevičius hoped to reach a clear agreement in the conversation with the mayors, which will take place on Thursday. The Minister assured that there could be no order, which would only further complicate the situation.

“Talking to the mayors tomorrow, we will try to speak as conscious people with responsibility. Is it possible to force everyone? I think that is impossible, because then we would have many reproaches. (…) I see no other way, a unified and solid instruction on when to end the school year, when to return the children, would cause such chaos and so many problems. Municipalities must consider very responsibly. I understand Klaipeda’s case, there is a special area, but I think I will be able to combine a mixed approach. We will talk about other municipalities tomorrow, “said the minister.

“Bison and the whip will definitely not help here, just responsibility,” said A. Monkevičius at the committee meeting.

Expect 60 percent to return to daycare. children

Starting Monday, the preschool institutions, kindergartens, will open their doors. A. Monkevičius told members of the Seimas Science and Education Committee that there are currently around 1,000 people in kindergartens across the country. Until Monday, May 18, parents who cannot work remotely can take children to kindergarten.

The Minister presented the basic requirements for kindergartens.

“There are clear requirements of the Minister of Health, which must be met. I would say immediately that the difference from what has been so far is not great: the institutions have a hygiene standard that does not limit the number of children in groups, but which requires that they be isolated, the staff only works in one group, the children attend the same group, ensuring the health status of the children.

Monkevičius recounted how students will return to schools: not everyone will be in class

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

If fever develops, if there are 37.3, or signs of upper respiratory infections, they cannot be accepted. “A very important condition is that educators who work directly with children are recommended to work remotely, and people who are not at risk should work in contact,” he said.

A. Monkevičius said about 60 percent of all children are expected to return to kindergarten starting Monday.

“The number of children will reach 60 percent of the total volume, according to surveys. And a large number of children will remain in their families, help will be needed for them. There is a certain bank of accumulated methodological tools. Such a mixed method will apply.” said A. Monkevičius.

The minister expected day-care centers to start “normally” on Monday.

“It just caught our eye then. (…) Starting Monday, even if the number of children increases significantly, preschool institutions and founders will be ready,” the minister said at the committee meeting.

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