Monika Marija, who is involved in a dance project, suffered a leg injury during rehearsal. Names


Monika Marija, who was traumatized during rehearsal earlier this week, did not hide this fact from her followers, and while communicating on Instagram, she still maintained the positivity that had already become a business card.

“In a word, yesterday there were rehearsals Dad, He’s so pathetically lying in bed today But I want to go out like this, like this I want to dance. I apologize for all the times I said I didn’t want to, “Monika Marija jokingly shared on Instagram.

The injuries were really considerable: a shiny bruise appeared on the girl’s right leg. And although the interpreter herself avoids communicating with the media for some time, 15 minutes To the best of her knowledge, Monika Marija is having difficulty walking due to an injury, fearing that her leg will dislocate.

15 minutes Contacting producer project manager Audrius Giržads, he confirmed that the team is aware of the problems experienced.

“It just came to our attention then. It is probably a slight tickling in the leg and it will definitely appear on Saturday’s show, because it is very desirable,” said A. Giržadas.

Of course, the interpreter participates in the dance project together with the professional Justin Mejer.

In this project, together with the dancer Melisa Valinovič, Dovydas Laukys, a performer paired with Monika Marija and a member of the group “120”, also plays on the parquet.

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ALSO READ: Cardinals get even more cardinals: Monika Marija introduced new changes
