Mitnija and Lithuania airports cut 25 million Eur worth the contract


Visualization of the Vilnius architecture studio.

Lithuanian airports and Concern MG Baltic’s construction company Mitnija mutually terminated nearly 25 million LTL. Contract value in euros for the construction of a new passenger terminal for Vilnius airport.

Complemented by comments from the Minister of Transport and the representative of Mitnija

A tender for a new contractor is scheduled to be announced in the near future. Lithuanian airports hope to sign an agreement with him by the end of the year.

Julius Gendvilis, CEO of Mitnija, states that the decision to withdraw from the Vilnius airport construction terminal was made due to the suspension of works for four months.

A break of more than four months costs too much: without work time, a team dedicated to the project, we did not receive the expected income and profits, we could not engage with new clients. The current situation is too risky for us, especially at a time when the world is still living in the economic and social stress caused by the global pandemic, the report quotes Gendville.

Audrius Valatkeviius, representative of corporate communications, V adds that Lithuanian airports were unable to provide accurate information on raising funds.

The project had no financing, construction was suspended for four months, and after the parties agreed to terminate the contract because we did not like the situation, the airport could not say when the financing would be obtained. We have our job, plan, he says.

The company has not yet decided whether it will participate in the planned new tender.

When the contest is announced, we will part ways. It is not clear what our plans will be, we may simply not have the resources, because we have negotiations with many more clients both in Lithuania and abroad. If that competition is in the fall or summer, we will break it down based on the situation. Now we do not know when the competition will take place or under what conditions, says A. Valatkeviius.

Marius Gelinis, chief executive of the Lithuanian airport, says difficulties in financing the construction were caused by the pandemic.

When Mitnija has suspended its participation in the project, we are ready to prepare for the project and immediately announce the search for a new contractor, says M. Gelinis.

According to him, partial financing of the project is currently being secured by the Northern Investment Bank (NIB). The Ministry of Transport and Communications is also awaiting a decision on the remaining funding.

The Ministry provides funding

In his comment, Marius Skuodis, Minister of Transport and Communications, states that he regrets the situation, since the construction of a new passenger terminal is one of the Government’s priority tasks in the near future.

It ensures that the funds for the construction of the terminal will be insured.

Currently, the Government has begun to coordinate investments with the European Commission for around 28 million. Eur for both objects. We have no doubt that the financing for the construction of the Vilnius airport terminal will be secured, we are making a lot of efforts for that, the Minister points out in the comment.

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M. Skuodis states that the goal set for the management of the Lithuanian airport is to keep the situation as short as possible for the project implementation deadlines.

I hope that Vilnius airport will not be reluctant to announce the purchase of a new international construction contractor and I look forward to a reliable contractor that will implement and complete the construction of a new passenger terminal at Vilnius airport on time, he says.

Up to 2,400 passengers per hour

A new low-energy A ++ passenger departure terminal, developed according to the BREAAM sustainable construction standard, will be built in the northern part of the airport, between the new VIP terminal with the conference center and the old terminal.

After the construction of the facility, the total area of ​​the Vilnius airport terminal is expected to increase by one third, and the passenger capacity will more than double, as of now there are 900 to 2,400 passengers per hour.

On the first floor of the terminal, there will be passenger check-in and public spaces, cafes and airline offices. On the second floor, it is planned to organize a security check-in area and an exit gate for the spawned passengers.

The building will also be equipped with space baggage inspection and swallowing engineering technical systems. A gallery will be connected to the current passenger terminal.

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