Mir composer F. Latnas – Business beginnings


Aware: 04-11-2020 07:07

Photo by Herkus Milaeviius

Faustas Latnas, composer and recipient of the Lithuanian National Prize for Art and Culture, will pass away at the age of 65.

His daughter, actress Elbieta Latnait, will announce it on Facebook Wednesday night.

F. Latnas was director of the Vilnius Theater Ll in 19891-1991, director of the Lithuanian State Academic Dramatic Theater from 1996 and general director of the National Dramatic Theater in 1999-2000. In 2000-2004, together with the traveler Rimas Tuminas, he directed the Vilnius Maia Theater.

In 1996 and 2004, F. Latnas became Lithuanian Vice Minister of Culture as well as Advisor to its Prime Minister, Lithuanian Cultural Attaché in Russia.

F. Latnas has composed more than 200 performances, more than 40 documentaries and feature films.

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