Mios Contacts Leaked in CityBee Scandal: Concerned About Released Data, Considering Next Steps


“It just came to our attention then. It’s really unpleasant,” Mia said of the situation at CityBee. – Unpleasant when the phone is in a public place. Unpleasant when there is a residential address that I have already changed, but it is still unpleasant. Identity number and everything else. “

Mia emphasized that this was worrisome because “you never know what could happen.”

When it became clear that CityBee customer data had been leaked, most of the victims started forming a group and have already taken action for damages. Mindaugas Kiškis, partner and director of the INVENT business law firm, which represents those who want to take action, said that most people support the position that each victim should be compensated at least 300 euros for non-pecuniary damage alone. .

“300 euros are not heating up,” said Mia, who has joined a facebook group that already has more than 17,000. Member States, but is still considering compensation and follow-up. “I don’t know if I’ll apply or not,” he said on the show “Are you serious?”

Miai was informed by her friends, who did not shy away from criticizing her extremely easy password: Vilija, although the artist says that she did not download the application on the phone herself, so she did not come up with the password herself, adding that she is careful and try to use really strong passwords.

“My passwords are really serious, from words that don’t exist in the world yet,” Mia laughed.

By the way, although he did not attack changing his passwords after learning of the data breach and is still considering whether to seek justice and redress, he said it did not give him peace of mind, and messages from non-presenters also raise suspicions: “I used to write and in the past, but now that you’re writing it looks like CityBee probably put out an issue and is writing about it. It can be everything: both calls and messages. “

Delfi recalls that the leaked data from the CityBee system was reported Monday night. It is estimated that about 110 thousand. CityBee customer data.

As it turned out, customer names, surnames and personal codes, phone numbers, email addresses, residential addresses, driver’s license numbers, and encrypted passwords were leaked. All necessary steps have already been taken to clarify the situation.

Among the victims are not only famous Lithuanians. According to Laurynas Kasčiūnas, chairman of the Seimas Committee for Defense and National Security, personal data of politicians or even ministers is among the leaked data. According to the parliamentarian, this also represents a risk for the security of the state.

You can find the whole conversation with Mia in the recording of the show “Are you serious?”

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