Minsk: the power of the first reactor of the Astrava nuclear power plant increased to 400 megawatts Business


“The power unit capacity-building ceremony was held in the presence of the head of state, Aliaksandr Lukashenko, and representatives of the ministry announced on the” Telegram “correspondence platform.

The Astrava nuclear power plant was connected to the Belarusian power grid on November 3.

“In three days from the connection to the joint energy system, the Belarusian nuclear power plant provided more than 22 million kilowatt-hours of electricity, saving 6.4 million cubic meters of natural gas worth about 1 million dollars [840 tūkst. eurų]”Said the ministry.

According to the institution, “the electricity from the nuclear power plant is supplied to all regions of the country. The reactor of the first power unit is operating at 40%. power ‘.

“According to the test programs, the capacity of the power unit will gradually increase to the design level: 1,190 megawatts. Commissioning of the first power unit for industrial operation is scheduled for the first quarter of 2021,” he reported. the Ministry of Energy.

According to her, much work had been done before the power plant was commissioned, including testing and training of personnel.
