Minsk: Astrava nuclear power plant completed 98 percent. installation work of the first business reactor


“The first unit of the Astrava nuclear power plant has already completed 98 percent. Construction and installation work. Currently, the completion and land management work is being completed in the first block,” said Vasilijus Poliuchovičius, Director of the Department of Nuclear Energy of the Ministry, in the online conference.

He recalled that the nuclear fuel was delivered to Astrava in May and is currently in storage.

“In August, we plan to begin an important stage in the construction of the nuclear power plant: the loading of nuclear fuel into the reactor and the transition to physical ignition, and then to ignition,” he added.

The official also reported that about 72 percent had already been completed. construction and installation of the second unit.

Two 1,200 megawatt Russian VVER reactors are planned to be installed at the Astrava nuclear power plant, which is being built in the Grodno region, some 50 kilometers from Vilnius and less than 30 kilometers from the border with Lithuania.

The Belarusian Ministry of Energy previously announced that the first reactor is slated to be commissioned this year and the second in 2021.

Lithuania is the biggest critic of the power plant being built in Belarus and is determined to boycott its access to the electricity market. Meanwhile, Minsk rejects Vilnius’s allegations of non-compliance with security requirements.
