Ministry of the Interior on the restriction of mobility in the country: checkpoints will be installed, the army will be used –


Interior Minister Agnė Bilotaitė says that to ensure the restriction of mobility between municipalities, stationary checkpoints will be installed in all municipalities that will control the flow of incoming vehicles. It also notes that the army will be used.

“Yesterday a containment plan was drawn up (…) which was discussed and agreed with all the public security services. Under this plan, the police will organize stationary checkpoints in all municipalities and control incoming vehicles.

This is scheduled for December 18. 1 pm until December 20. 9 pm, from December 23. 1 pm until December 27. 9 pm and from December 31st. 1 pm until January 3. 9 pm, ”he said at a news conference Tuesday.

According to the minister, a total of about 250 checkpoints will be installed and more police equipment will be used.

“Some 250 checkpoints will be installed. On normal days, 750 gangs (police – ELTA) take the streets, and on these days 920 gangs take the streets. As for the rest of the days, the mobile control will be carried out on those days. 60 additional crews will also take to the streets, ”he said.

The minister added that part of the accesses to cities and municipalities will be blocked by technical means, cameras will be installed and prohibition posters will be placed. However, he acknowledged that “it is probably not possible to block all roads.”

“We appeal to people’s conscience and understanding. “The police and all the institutions are willing to guarantee that these restrictions are applied to the maximum and that no more stringent measures or sanctions are required,” he said.

A. Bilotaitė also stated that to restrict the movement of the population, the army will be used.

“In this situation, we will not have enough police forces alone, so (…) an agreement was reached with the Ministry of National Defense on the participation of the military police, as well as on the participation of the Riflemen’s Union, which it worked well in the spring, “said the minister.

According to A. Bilotaitė, he still intends to meet with representatives of the municipalities today to discuss how the aforementioned mobility restrictions can be effectively guaranteed.

“As the participation of the municipality is needed, today at 4 o’clock in the afternoon, I am holding a meeting with the heads of the municipalities on this issue, we will discuss the cooperation of the municipalities with the police and the necessary infrastructure,” he said.

However, the Minister pointed out that if the measures introduced do not work, the Government is determined to apply a stricter restriction plan.

“If these measures do not work and we see that the situation does not improve, we have discussed and we have a plan of tougher measures, which we will take if necessary,” he said.

As of December 15, 2020 at 24:00. until 2021 January 3 24 hours In Lithuania, there will be restrictions on movement between municipalities, except in cases of death due to the death of close relatives or work in another municipality or due to necessary medical assistance.

Nor will traffic restrictions be applied in the case of trips to / from the airport, for health reasons, as well as for other objectively justified imperative reasons, when travel to a municipality other than the one in which you reside is unavoidable.

This restriction does not apply to people who move to a municipality other than the municipality of residence where they own real estate that they own.

The government has also decided that it will be prohibited to leave the place of residence, except in the case of trips to work, a place of business, a property of an owner, a funeral, medical care and other necessary services, or reasons objectively justified in the make the journey inevitable. necessary.

It will also be possible to leave the place of residence when not more than one family and / or one member of the household goes for a walk in open areas and in cases where sick or incapable of caring for themselves are cared for.

Monika Grigutytė (ELTA)

Photo: Žygimantas Gedvila, BNS
