Ministry of Education: Raseiniai and Klaipėda students fell ill with coronavirus


Klaipėda’s student was not in the lessons. However, in the summer she camped with other students from the conservatory, so the school continues the educational process in a mixed way, both through contact and distance. The school collaborates with public health professionals. According to current evaluations by epidemiologists, the student was infected by a sick relative. The case was reported by NVSC on September 3.

According to Loreta Jonavičienė, director of the Klaipėda Stasys Šimkus Conservatory, the gymnasium decided to introduce coeducation to protect children.

“We have received a recommendation that it will not get worse if we choose the distance combination (education-BNS),” said the director.

The teaching process, he said, will not stop: some lessons will take place in the form of contact, classes will come to school in streams.

The school provided health professionals with a list of students who may have had close contact with the infected person and also disinfected the facilities as directed.

Teachers did not contact the infected student, according to the principal, but only children who were at the camp at the end of August were able to communicate with him.

In Raseiniai, 26 children are isolated

Coronavirus was detected in the fifth grade of Raseiniai Source Progymnasium. According to the NVSC, the entire class of fifth-graders is in self-isolation due to their high-risk exposure, and their education takes place remotely. The progymnasium environment has been disinfected. The lessons continue to take place through contact.

According to NVSC representative Justina Petravičienė, the infected student’s classmates and teacher are in isolation due to high-risk exposure.

“A total of 26 classmates and a teacher had contact. They are isolated, as well as the school environment disinfected. In addition, the school decided to carry out the educational process of these students remotely ”, he explained.

An NVSC spokeswoman said the epidemiological study at the school is still ongoing and a new case will be included in Saturday’s statistics.

The Ministry of Education, Science and Sports notes that schools take appropriate measures to deal with whether a student or worker is assigned COVID-19.

On Thursday, the NVSC reported that several classes in the Raseiniai district had been isolated, but said that no one at the school had been infected.


  • If the school receives a report from the National Center for Public Health or a unit in the municipality about an infection diagnosed in a student or employee, it cooperates and implements the recommendations of health professionals. Health professionals decide whether to close an entire school or classroom after assessing the potential risks. After the end of the face-to-face training, it is continued remotely until the public health professionals allow them to return to normal work at school.
  • If a child or pupil develops a fever (37.3 ° C and higher) or signs of acute upper respiratory disease or other infectious diseases (e.g. runny nose, cough, shortness of breath, etc.) at school, they should be isolated in the school immediately and inquire. Her parents.
  • An employee who develops a fever or signs of acute upper respiratory illness during work should immediately leave the educational institution premises and consult the hotline tel. 1808 or contact your GP.
  • If a school receives information from a staff member, a student or their parents about a COVID-19 disease, he or she immediately informs the National Center of Public Health of the Ministry of Health to identify those exposed and subject to 14 days of isolation.
  • People who must be isolated cannot enter the educational institution during the isolation period. They can learn and work remotely.
