Ministry of Economy and Innovation disinfected – COVID-19 diagnosed for new deputy minister at Christmas


Knowledge of the coronavirus prescribed to the deputy minister 15 minutes the source reported that the meetings at the ministry are live, so it is possible that more colleagues have been infected.

Information on the positive COVID-19 test from Deputy Minister Eglė Markevičiūtė 15 minutes approved by the Ministry of Economy and Innovation.

According to the comment sent, on December 25 the Vice Minister was investigated and COVID-19 was identified.

“Vice Minister E. Markevičiūtė contacted two people from the ministry, these people are now in self-isolation. The National Center for Public Health was informed about this,” the ministry said in a response.

In accordance with all requirements, the ministry facilities were disinfected.

According to the ministry representatives, E.Markevičiūtė is feeling fine, so he continues to work remotely.

“The Minister of Economy and Innovation Aušrinė Armonaitė had no contact with E.Markevičiūtė. The Minister regularly conducts research on COVID-19,” he says. 15 minutes in a comment sent by the Ministry.

To date, three cases of coronavirus have been registered in this ministry.

The Ministry announced the addition of E.Markevičiūtė to the A.Armonaitė team on December 23. It is reported that this Vice Minister will be responsible for Innovation, Digital Policy, Industry and Business Environment.

E.Markevičiūtė obtained a BA and a MA in Political Science from Vilnius University. E.Markevičiūtė learned about the areas for improving the business environment while working in the Department of Economics and Investments of the Vilnius City Municipality, as well as being the project manager of the Lithuanian Free Market Institute. E.Markevičiūtė is one of the founders of the world economic education organization Students For Liberty in Europe, a former member of the international board.

For the past four years, E.Markevičiūtė has worked as a registered lobbyist, having declared her list of activities to the Central Commission for Official Ethics (COEC). According to publicly available data from the COEC Lobby Transparency Register, he has worked with the American Local Working Group of the American Chamber of Commerce, as well as Bitė Lietuva, JTI Baltic, A2B Taxi, Vilnius City Apartment Buildings and other building managers. association.

E.Markevičiūtė is also one of the co-authors of the book “Lithuania 2120”.

Jovita Neliupšienė and Vincas Jurgutis already work as Deputy Ministers of Economy and Innovation.
