Minister of Energy for Companies – Business News


Photo by Judita Grigelyts (V)

Energy Minister Dainius Kreivys will be excited to say that electricity produced at the Astrava nuclear power plant is being imported into the country. According to him, this is happening through the Latvian Electricity Office. Latvians deny such statements, but are also not informed about the violations discovered. Perhaps by accepting the accusations, the minister should first try to make the wrinkles less equal and more with the neighbor’s.

Last week, Energy Minister Dainius Kreivys presented data to the Seimas Defense and National Security Committee showing that the electricity generated by the Astrava nuclear power plant enters Lithuania. Its importance is prohibited by law. After the meeting, the Minister approached the television cameras and dictators of the journalist and Lithuania ensured that the electricity entered the Baltic market through Latvia.

The latter’s representatives deny such things. Latvians say that they maintain their political position of not buying Belarusian electricity and that several Baltic countries do not abandon it. They also pay attention not to get confused with the calculations used by the Lithuanian Ministry of Energy.

This is how Riga joins the Energy Directorate of the European Commission. Representatives of the latter declared in mid-January that the electricity from the Astrava nuclear power plant is not marketed in the European Union. However, D. Kreivys does not doubt in his correctness, the Latvians will receive the information soon, and the European Commission is wrong because it does not have data, but it is already provided in Brussels.

It is true that even we ourselves cannot be sure that the problem, as seen by the Ministry, exists. Like Latvians, we don’t see the media close to our neighbors. Information was not provided to all media, experts, other politicians and the public for evaluation.

The Minister probably expects automatic support from our citizens, because he sees no reason why we should not support ourselves, even after hearing the conflicting interpretations of this issue in Vilnius and Riga.

But the whole world will be shaken by the head. Therefore, the public should be your ally, the minister, not the minister. If you are hampered by only certain confidential information, you can use it. Consult your energy regulator, you do it constantly.

However, if there is a problem that Lithuanian electricity transmission operators and politicians see, the entire arsenal of communication channels is ready, through which the problems can be solved. Long before the press release sounded and the charges brought through the walls.

Lithuania itself demands that the issue of electricity trade with Russia be resolved throughout the region. We look forward to the participation of the entire region in the blockade of the Astrava nuclear power plant. But Latvian politicians will also have to sell the agreements reached to their electorate. The less dirt we put on them, the easier it will be for them to do it.

Well, in general, there is simply no level to communicate in this way with a neighboring EU country and a NATO partner.

The minister should remember his own steps to the devil long after a passionate election campaign. Already during his time, the neighbors had lost so much accusation that the talks with Riga could have been more fluid if they had been led by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

It may be best for her to come up with a solution that is acceptable to everyone. But it does not seem, at least for the moment, to control the thread of the international dialogue. Not waiting for the bad electrical charge to finally stop? In any sense, there does not appear to be a viable tactic that can shrink other threads for many years and change the brother’s style and tone of communication.

The Energy Minister should not have been forced to remain in the opposition for many years and begin to behave in accordance with his new functions as a member of the Government. A dialogue with a neighbor based on evidence and silent argument can be more effective than the emotional monologue of the accused without a television camera.

Due to such an important issue, it is even possible to send a business trip to your Latvian colleague, who will no doubt choose that you do not need to be quarantined upon arrival. It’s true that the COVID-19 test apparently still needs to be done.

There are no occasional actions for your constituency, either in place or in time, all the more so since you have not heard a single constructive warm-up about you, how to solve the problem, if it really is.

Now the whole of Lithuania is shaking its head, trying to encrypt the meaning of the term “political isolation”, which is obviously difficult to put in the reserve bank for two experienced diplomats. Perhaps in the case of one of the Energy Minister’s speeches, he would take a second breath after interpreting his creativity and ordering it more?

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