Minister Narkevičius presented bills for the renovation of his parents’ house.


In total, according to the lawyer, the Minister found seven VAT invoices, for a total amount of LTL 166,584.88 (EUR 48,246.31).

Six of them were issued in the name of Irena Narkevič, mother of J. Narkevičius, a bill, in the name of the Minister himself.

In some of the documents submitted, some of the records are faded, but the information available is sufficient to confirm that these documents were issued and contain the signatures of individuals.

In addition, two receipts were used for the purchase of cash in the Senukai stores, which did not exceed 100 euros in total, to pay for the purchase of screws, hinges and corners.

Six invoices containing the details of the legal entity, Delphi advertise

Another invoice issued in the name of a natural person in the amount of LTL 27,000 is not disclosed due to the requirements of the Personal Data Protection Act. This bill is for roof repair and wall insulation work, and the person who issued it, according to J. Čivilis, a lawyer representing J. Narkevičius, worked under a commercial license. The invoice was issued in 2008. December 29

Two of the invoices are issued by the company Sodžiaus Būstas.

2009 July 31 SBS invoice series No. issued by Anna Šostakienė, Deputy Director of the Company. 55/2, for the total amount of LTL 27,000. The bill is issued “for repair work.”

In the cash register entry order series SBK no. 125, which certifies the cash payment, is the payer – “by proxy Jaroslav Narkevich” and his signature.

Alexander Ribnikov, who signed for the company’s cashier, also has his name stamp as company director. Sir. The name and the signature of Vida Vaitukaitienė are in line with the financier.

Other documents have been signed in a similar way: August 31 invoice “for repair work”, series SBS No.61, for the total amount of 63,222.59 LTL; cash receipts SBK receipt series no. 128

2009 August 28 Invoice issued by UAB Racionalūs projektai LGA No. 8701888 in the name of J. Narkevičius, for an amount of 3,900 LTL, “for fuel”. There is also a series of income order KAS no. 0001412 in payment.

2008 December 23 for windows, their installation and works I. Narkevič issued a series of invoices AUL No. 0022707 from UAB Aulaukis, for the total amount of LTL 32,442.95. In the BLA cash receipt order series no. 3487882 on payment, the line on money received contains the official seal and signature of Martynas Eigirdas, the project manager of UAB Aulaukis.

2008 December 31 series of invoices issued VLK no. 0059, in the amount of LTL 8,997.19, on behalf of I. Narkevič of UAB Vilekta – for installation and materials work. According to publicly available data, this company is installing electrical wiring.

2008 December 24 UAB INIT I. Narkevič issued an invoice in NIT series No. 7621 for the total amount of 4 22.15 litas per reclaimer. It states that an advance payment is required for the invoice. Receipt of cash receipt order with NIT no. 000000329 on the payment of money.

Here are the photos of the invoices:

Last week, the LRT Research Division published material on the fact that in 2008–2010 the then Deputy Director of the Vilnius City Municipality Administration, and later the Member of Seimas and the current Minister of Transport and Communications Jaroslav Narkevičius, devised a scheme. Alexander Ribnikov’s company, Sodžiaus Būstas, won, and ten percent of the amount went to renovating the politician’s house in Trakai.

According to the LRT Research Department, such a renewal could have cost more than 100,000 euros, which J. Narkevičius has so far not paid to A. Ribnikov’s company.

In 2013, Sodžiaus Būstas filed for bankruptcy and in 2015 he was discharged from the Records Center.

The Minister of Transport and Communications J. Narkevičius denies and calls the alleged debt for home repairs and accusations of “otkatai” schemes in the tenders of educational institutions of the Vilnius city municipality an attempt by A. Ribnikovas to obtain benefits for him and his business.

Most of the money was paid by the parents.

The Minister of Transport and Communications J. Narkevičius and journalists collected public documents on journalists in 2008-2010. The renovation of his parents’ house, in which he himself lived.

The Minister said that the total amount shown in the documents is “166 thousand. with lid ”litas. Among these documents are two accounts from Alexander Ribnikov’s company, Sodžiaus Būstas, for approximately 90 thousand. LTL

“I have orders, accounts, there are different companies. 27 thousand – renovation of house roof and wall insulation. Repair work – 69 thousand, windows – 32 thousand, electrical installation work – almost 9000 ”, – said J. Narkevičius as he leafed through the papers with illuminated documents.

According to the Minister, these mentioned works were paid for in cash.

“There are orders, but here, in cash. (…) The money was kept …, the banks were not trusted, most of the money came from the savings of the parents. Paying mom, dad, I went witness. They told me: take the materials, you need it, you need it, “said J. Narkevičius.

According to the minister, most of the money for the repairs was paid by his parents.

“Most of the money comes from the parents’ savings. (…) (My parents) were normal people, they had a farm. We lived on that farm, we fixed the house. Even before the war, it had a lot of land, part of which were returned and I had savings, ”said J. Narkevičius.

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