Minister Landsberg calls on Belarus to release political prisoners immediately


“The persecution, imprisonment, intimidation and massive human rights violations currently taking place in Belarus are unprecedented in 21st century Europe,” said Minister Landsbergis, who joins the University’s solidarity campaign. European Humanities (EHU) with all the victims of the repression by the Belarusian authorities. . “Minsk must understand that the world sees the crimes of the regime, and Lithuania and the international community will not accept these crimes,” the minister said.

The Vilnius-based University of Belarus in exile on the eve of Belarus Freedom Day called for solidarity with those who suffered or witnessed torture during their arrests in Belarus, were subjected to moral, physical, economic or other pressure, were separated from loved ones, as well as all Belarusians who fight peacefully.

The Foreign Minister launched a solidarity campaign calling for the release of the human rights defender and Marf Rabkov, a third-year student of the European Union and International studies program at the European University of Humanities, and other Belarusian political prisoners. G. Landsbergis also calls on Lithuanian society and the international community to join this campaign by actively uploading photos and messages on social media demanding the release of political prisoners.

“For more than half a year, we have admired the courage and determination of our neighbors to pursue fundamental freedoms and to hold free and fair elections. Unfortunately, the Belarusian authorities responded to the legitimate demands of their citizens with repression. I think so much The Lithuanian people as well as the international community will never tire of demanding the release of political prisoners from the Belarusian forces of order. This is our moral duty and interest as Europeans, “said the Minister.

Currently, 322 people in Belarus are recognized as political prisoners. A total of 48 EHU students and graduates were detained after the 2020 presidential elections in Belarus. Currently, five of them are still in prison: Marfa Rabkova, Akihiro Gaevski-Hanada, Mikalai Dziadok, Wlodzimierz Malachowski, Ihar Barysau.
