Minister: I am convinced that if we use the masks correctly, we will be successful.


“It just came to our attention then. Apparently, sometimes we will have to take such measures. The number of illnesses is increasing both in Lithuania and worldwide. You will have to get used to living with this virus. So that we do not become infected and so the company continues working, we have a condition and a request: we will have to wear masks. It just needs to be worn when you go in. Outdoors, in the parks like it used to be, you won’t have to do that. I don’t think it’s a complicated procedure. it really possible that we all suffer for our safety, ”said E. Jankevičius to Knowledge Radio.

If the government decides to reinstate the mandatory use of indoor masks from Saturday, the justice minister said, the police promise to actively work with the store’s security services to enforce the requirement.

“A public transport driver should ask a person (not to wear a mask – ELTA) to get off and not provide services, because it will not be possible to drive without a mask, because it is a threat to all others (.. .)

The driver will have to call security or the police and call the officers and resolve the situation. But I think such events will not happen, because people should be aware, “said E. Jankevičius.

“It just came to our attention then. We want people to be aware and to warn each other. I am sure the police will not impose fines immediately, and in case of any situation, explain politely. We have to get used to wearing masks in order to live. disease free and keep our business alive, ”he said.

ELTA recalls that with the increase in COVID-19 virus infections in Lithuania and worldwide, the Cabinet of Ministers will return the mandatory use of protective masks in closed public places. The obligation to wear masks will be reinstated in public transportation, supermarkets, shops and closed service locations.

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