Millions accumulated playing computer games: playing 10 hours a day, earning more than the NBA stars


“There is still the myth that video games are only played by children, but the best players in the world are adult men, for whom this activity allows them to earn millions. Today, some players are already more recognizable to the younger generation than well-known businessmen and athletes. To gather large armies of fans and make money, you need not only good gaming skills, but also the ability to create interesting content, constantly engage and engage fans. Competition in the gaming industry is growing rapidly ”, emphasizes Martynas Vrubliauskas of Bitė Profas.

PewDiePie – better recognizable than Elonas Muskas

Today, the richest gamer, Felix Kjellberg, known as PewDiePie, is not only the most popular (109 million followers), but also a favorite on the YouTube platform. The content creator has already earned more than $ 34 million from game broadcasts and various advertising contracts. euros.

Swedish internet sensation PewDiePie is more recognizable to Generation Z (born between 1995 and 2010) than businessman Elon Musk or basketball player Lebron James, according to the American research firm Morning Consult.

Computer game players

Computer game players

© Photo of the organizers

“PewDiePie’s game streams and reviews are always spontaneous, and the content creator is constantly looking for ways to provoke and surprise his fans. For example, PewDiePie asked fans to click the “Dislike” button for a video and received $ 4.4 million. clicks, he has become the author of one of my favorite videos in the entire history of Youtube, “said a smart device expert.

Interestingly, as a child, Kjellberg’s parents repeated that video games are a waste of time, but it was the content creator who found his place under the sun in the world of video games.

Ninja: play 10 hours a day.

The second richest gamer in the world, Tyler Blevins, better known by the nickname Ninja, discovered his talent for games as a child. Initially, he beat his older brothers and father in games, and then he began to actively participate in tournaments.

The 29-year-old American’s assets are currently valued at more than $ 21 million. In 2019 alone, he managed to earn 14.2 million euros. euros. It even exceeds the royalties of some famous NBA basketball players: Lonzo Ballo, District Rondo or Derrick Rose – this season’s salaries are less than 10 million. euros.

Computer game players

Computer game players

© Photo of the organizers

Ninja, who has more than 24 million followers on YouTube, plays his favorite game, Fortnite, 10 hours a day. Tyler once took a 48-hour break and lost up to $ 40,000 as a result. followers on the Twitch network. His dedication to video games is the main reason why Ninja is so popular around the world, ”says Bee Prof.

Even the Fortnite game developers decided to honor Blevins and added a Ninja character to the game. He has been sharing content online for over a decade and has played popular shooters: Call of Duty, PUBG, H1Z1.

Preston Asement: works with a team of 25 people

At just 15 years old, Preston Arsement, better known simply as Preston, has chosen the path of a professional gamer, and now a team of up to 25 people is helping him grow his business. Already 17 million. The 26-year-old player, who earns 1 million euros, is the top earner on four YouTube channels and is the third richest player in the world.

Computer game players

Computer game players

© Photo of the organizers

“When Preston was starting to create content about games as a teenager, no one would have thought that in a few years the boy’s parents would become his employees. A growing team is helping the player develop his business, and today he not only creates content online, but also has his own clothing line, investing in real estate and games, ”says M. Vrubliauskas.

The American’s target audience is children, so he creates content about the Minecraft game, which is especially popular with a younger audience. During the game, you must build and demolish blocks of different materials, search for resources, explore the environment, create elements and build structures.

Mr. Aresemento’s content can be viewed on the following YouTube channels: Preston, TBNRFrags, PrestonGamez, PrestonPlayz. Together, they have more than 32 million. subscribers.
How are the Lithuanians doing?

Although Lithuanian content creators do not publish their income, it is obvious that they are gaining popularity and growing rapidly. The player “LTU Republic” has the highest number of followers on Youtube: 124 thousand. He portrays how he plays one of the most popular games in the history of GTA San Andreas and other games.

Other players creating impressive content about the games have amassed an impressive army of fans: “Darius Playing” (96.4 thousand followers), “Edvisss” (92.3 thousand), “MrBegėdis” (84.3 thousand).

“These Lithuanians mainly play Minecraft, a three-dimensional game that does not have modern graphics, but stands out for its great idea. The Swedish game, created ten years ago, is now played by up to 126 million people. Active players”, says Bitė Profas .

E-sports communities are also growing in Lithuania: almost 20 thousand. Facebook is joined by the popular CS: GO Lietuva shooter or 36 thousand. Followers are joined by League of Legends Lietuva and others.

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