Milita Daikerytė – on the price of fame: why did she throw up the stage and walk away from music?


Milita has a bitter experience when, after climbing Olympus, success takes off and drifts away, so the fact that she was considered a leader throughout the project did not reassure her. The guest on the show made no secret of her feeling of support and accompanying success, and of course she secretly hoped to win, but “the game is a game,” so she didn’t allow herself to relax and rest on her laurels.

I also lost my relaxation due to the surprises that occurred during filming, the change of mood of the audience and other events.

A path to the rhythm of music

Milita’s path to the world of music began when she was a child: she attended music school, music classes. Milita admits that when she started singing, she spent more time performing than improving her voice, because her singing teacher believed that she needed to show more of herself and her talent. No one doubted that Milita was dedicated to the stage.

However, as everything started quickly, everything unexpectedly stopped. The singer openly tells why she threw herself on stage and walked away from music, which she did very well.

“When you are a teenager, you experience things differently. It was a really big burden on the shoulders of a young man, there were several situations, I had to go to a psychologist, having to close the room when I got home and ask that no one come to her, ”says the singer, who has always been very open and inclined to talk about difficult moments and solve problems, but never showing her weaknesses.

Milita Daikerytė shows “X Factor. Stars” / photo of photo day

Milita Daikerytė shows “X Factor. Stars” / photo of photo day

Sentient ice queen

The hosts of the Milita program tell Kristina Rimiene that despite the cold image, she, like the others, has feelings and lives everything with sensitivity. A woman tends to “suck” everything on herself and work with her emotions inside, without anyone suspecting it.

Today you are at a crossroads, what to choose? The young woman has been dedicated to the world of beauty for some time, so winning a television project put her in a difficult situation: choosing singing or business?

What will M. Daikerytė choose? Today, she is a psychologically strong singer and a responsible entrepreneur. The show’s guest also shares tips for those who dream of participating in similar television projects; who knows, maybe these tips will help someone decide which way to go.

“World by Women” – Sundays at 10 pm on TV3.
