Mikutavičius: on some topics there is no need to annoy people


Administrative proceedings have been initiated for minor offenses.

Ramūnas Matonis, a representative of the Police Department, said on Monday on the radio news program “Question of the Day” that the police are awaiting explanations from the organizers.

After receiving that information on Saturday, a clarification of the circumstances began. Today, the Kaunas city police, after clarifying the circumstances, have already started the trial for administrative offenses. Preliminary information indicates that the violations may have been committed.

During this administrative procedure, the police will now be waiting for explanations from the organizers. And after receiving the explanation, they will decide what responsibilities to apply, and they will also evaluate the responsibilities of all those involved, if some have not met the requirements, “said R. Matonis on the news radio program.

He claimed that because of the material visible in public space, the quarantine could have been violated.

“It just came to our knowledge then. Video recordings of the Žalgiris Arena will be taken and viewed. We also hope to receive a list of participants from the organizers. When we have all this, it will be possible to make decisions,” said a police representative.

Matonis said the difference wasn’t much due to the organizers’ claims that it was a broadcast, a company event, not an event.

“I don’t think there is a big difference here, the events are currently prohibited. If we are talking about an event, it could not be. And if we are talking about television broadcasts, it could have been, but you had to follow the rules. in the second case, those rules were not followed. As a result, it is most likely that it will be established that the organizers have committed a violation, “said R. Matonis.

“Basic solidarity”

Artist Marijonas Mikutavičius told the radio news program “Question of the Day” that these awards upset the public.

“I don’t know, I haven’t seen those awards myself, I don’t know what level I was at. (…) I probably wouldn’t have. It may seem hypocritical, but in my head it was a mistake. Because many things can be understood in Economic matters, there are programs that carry a certain message. But when the event is on the red carpet, I don’t know if it’s necessary because it bothers the public. That, I think, was a mistake here.

Whether it was done deliberately or, on the other hand, organizing everything, it looked much better and more beautiful than it probably became, ”said M. Mikutavičius on the radio news program.

Commenting on this situation, the interpreter recalled a video he saw as a child. It was with him that he illustrated the awards that took place over the weekend.

“I tend to think that there is no need to upset people on some issues. I understand society, it reminds me of a movie I saw as a child. Talk about a drought that has entered the jungle. During it, everyone agrees that during it, all the beasts do not chase each other. And the only tiger reaches the river, she washes the water, blood comes out of his nose because he has just hunted gazelles. During the drought, the tiger did not behave according to the general rules, but as it seemed more comfortable, “the artist gave an example.

He said he understood the anger of the public: why some have to sit at home while others step on the red carpet.

“I think so. If the rewards are important to you, you can make them more sober and calm, without the other side. There are many examples of this, there are many television shows that have abandoned and adopted another format. I understand that MAMA tried. But I think that some things can be done with more moderation, “said the interpreter.

He said he supported those who wanted to try a wide range of new event formats and their conditions.

“I think it is fine in any case that everything is possible, but it must be adopted at the state level, some rules are established for everyone. I understand the ambiguity of people, “said M. Mikutavičius.

“It just came to our knowledge then. We have to realize that I can do many things too. Or kill that gazelle in silence, try not to brag about it. I understand that outrage a lot, everyone is tired. If you want to make fun of it. from them, you get what you want to achieve. They are annoying people, it is normal, “said the interpreter on the news radio.

A moment of MAMA awards

A moment of MAMA awards

“Bad signal”

Communication expert Kęstutis Gečas said on the show that the awards were a “bad sign”.

“I will not be very original and I will repeat the saying of many that it was a bad sign and a bad thing to do at this event. Even if they wanted to do it, according to all the rules of communication crises, they had to announce the tests in advance, “he said.

The communication expert assured that the event showed that there are two realities: those who are quarantined and those who do not.

“It just came to our notice then. Where the problem is that it shows what society is already saying: some are kept, some are not. A public secret, as it turns out and you agree, finds an opportunity to cross quarantine restrictions. Ingenious and legal, “he said.

When asked if this shows the two realities of quarantine, the interlocutor agreed.

“Exactly like this. For me, this is just a symbolic test and an example of what is happening today,” said K. Gečas.

He was surprised that those responsible still did not have the help of communication experts. According to the interlocutor of the program, the public already needs to be intimidated.

“The essential thing is what communication people are talking about. That this crisis is said to be a medical crisis, doctors are dealing with it. But for a long time the government, the state must understand that it is a communicative social crisis. The key decisions on restrictions now are doctors or officials, managers, need for communication, social people. They would say how to tell people, maybe they need to scare people, I say elementary that they realize the threat, that it is real, ”he said.

K. Gečas said that maybe it is really better to change the quarantine regime, open and close the country.

“Is there a quarantine that lasts many months than ‘open / closed’, which allows people to breathe,” said the communication expert on the program.

He argued that after such images, the public may start to ignore the quarantine.

Organizers explanation

Organizers of the MAMA popular music awards, which took place on Saturday and caused public outrage over possible breaches of quarantine requirements, say the event is organized after the example of companies that are obliged to conduct tests.

“We use examples: how companies should test work. For now, we have asked doctors to reassess the situation,” said Martynas Tyla, president of the Music Awards of the Year association, in a press release. .

“Let’s analyze this event, discuss and see how we can continue to live and work in a new reality, because there are no other solutions yet,” he said.

The MAMA awards were held at the “Žalgiris” arena in Kaunas, they were broadcast on TV3.

Television producer Saulius Urbonavičius says that “the state of society” may not have been assessed, and the mass appearances of the artists were “emotional.”

“It just came to our knowledge then. Some of the moments, like the massive appearance of the nominees on stage, were just emotional. Maybe people in a huge space: 22 thousand. In the square meter of sand and, moreover, all they felt too safe and relaxed with the negative tests, ”said one of the award organizers.

According to him, these awards could be a “perspective opening experiment”.

“And after the MAMA broadcast, many representatives of the music business commented that it could be an experiment to open up perspective, because the goal of all of us is to learn to live a new reality. The virus has not gone anywhere. It probably won’t go away. And let this be an example for the future discussion of how we will live in the new reality, how our sectors of sport, culture, education will function. We want to start a debate and find new solutions as soon as possible, “said S. Urbonavičius.

Organizers claim that due to safety and maximum traffic restrictions, the number of staff working was greatly reduced, there were no spectators at the event.

“No tickets have been sold, no people who are not involved in the awards have been admitted,” the report said.

It points out that the sand was divided into zones, disinfection mats were placed at the entrances to important premises, there was liquid hand sanitizer everywhere, surfaces and microphones were constantly cleaned and disinfected.

According to the organizers, the event staff wore protective masks and the event participants were screened for COVID-19.

“All staff wore masks … Rapid COVID-19 antigen tests were performed on site for all entrants prior to entering the awards by filming through the special entrance,” organizers said.

According to them, a positive test response was found during the test: This participant, who came to the shoot alone and could not contact others, was not admitted and was urgently isolated, and the entrance and the testing room were quickly disinfected. .

Each award participant had a specific arrival time, and arrival deadlines and distances were also met in the red carpet area.

Due to the possible violations of the MAMA awards event held at the “Žalgiris” arena in Kaunas, the police received around several dozen reports and are currently clarifying the situation.

Already during the broadcast, there was outrage in the public space because the quarantine rules were not followed, masks were not used and there were no safe distances. Some called the event a “party during the plague.”
