Mikutavičius: for some people it will be an accident


In the show “Talk”, the interpreter Marijonas Mikutavičius appreciated the current state of mind that she feels in her environment. According to him, many people are tired and the reasons for this are clear.

“You could argue that society is not ready to mobilize or debate, but it is clear that people cannot listen to instructions and be constrained indefinitely. If there is a certain amount of time during which you need to tighten your belt for a common idea, yes, but you need to know the end date; It is clear that fatigue, a fatalistic approach to the disease is emerging and everyone is finally beginning to accept the view that the disease will be.

They are beginning to raise questions, and awards like MAMAs can, of course, be the impetus that can lead to the next steps in decision-making. I feel that rumble even from my friends who have been quite loyal to this government all along, obviously even those who have been calling for their teeth to be bitten all the time are starting to growl. We are apparently reaching a tipping point where eventually everyone will start living the way they want. I feel exactly the same: compared to last spring, I am now a couple of times less careful, ”says M. Mikutavičius on the program.

Marijonas Mikutavičius

Marijonas Mikutavičius

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

According to him, the situation is really bad and it is obvious that even the exhaustion of quarantine is still the only tool that can help at the moment.

“On the other hand, I fully understand how the authorities are now sitting with their hands together, because, apart from quarantine, there is no other means because no one has invented more than vaccines. I am a bad counselor and I tend to encourage others to think before speaking, because 99.9 percent of us basically don’t know how to behave; after all, we can’t run everything and we can’t fight to the end. This is the same as going to war with white gloves, occupying, defeating, but not killing anything. A situation that, no matter how it is turned, is still bad ”, considers the interpreter.

Mikutavičius: it is natural for us to get tired

M. Mikutavičius says that fatigue or the desire to resist is far from being a characteristic not only of Lithuanians, but these qualities are the characteristics of a modern arrogant person.

“I don’t think it’s just the fault of fatigue or the desire to resist, and I really don’t think it’s just a Lithuanian problem. Even, I would say, more demonstrations, resistance is taking place in the cities of central Europe: France. , Germany, where men are pouring cups at the police. I think this is a human trait, in fact, radiant people who live quite comfortably and naturally read about diseases, plagues and wars only in historical textbooks. It is difficult to grasp and accept that reality, I am the same because it is also difficult for me to realize that something invisible shit it controls our lives, something we don’t even see and no one knows much about.

Marijonas Mikutavičius

Marijonas Mikutavičius

© DELFI / Karolina Pansevič

I think it is the pride of modern man, he thinks that we have conquered the whole world, we have flown to Mars, we have defeated nature because we have stopped the sun, the wind, but obviously nothing has ended, the world is a continuous history and our life is an example of that; nobody lives in the end point, because there is always a struggle with disasters, a struggle with our lives, with the state in which we all find ourselves. We have to accept it, fight against it, but it is natural for us to get tired, ”says M. Mikutavičius.

Online disputes evaluated

According to him, many battles take place online these days.

“I think when we defeat the virus, we must defeat the Internet because it is obvious that when you feel tired, it is like a horrible blackmailer. He’s like an intriguing goofball or a man in the workplace gossiping and laughing with each other. In fact, I did a simple experiment: turn off the media and social networks for at least a few weeks and realize that society is not as divided as it seemed at first, ”says M. Mikutavičius.

“I imagine there should be more rules on the internet, say, managing fake profiles that are actually anonymous, that are brave just because no one knows about them, therefore it can be offensive. Will we learn to communicate differently? I don’t know, hardly. Public education in communication, the way we communicate is very different. There are people who are more upright, have a harder time mastering the language, and there are snobs and intellectuals who have more balance in their language, making them look prettier and more solid, even though the heck knows what they’re thinking.

So people express their emotions differently, I doubt that one day we will all come together, unless a generation grows up that learns about the Internet, how we study about Samogitia, and explains why it is not possible to write like Mikutavičius or Užkalnis, and why it is necessary to write like Daiva Žeimytė, for example ”, says M. Mikutavičius.

On conspiracy theories

In his new Facebook post, M. Mikutavičius wrote that public behavior reminds him of drunkenness. According to him, it is strange to see examples in his own environment, when after a while it turns out that a person believed in some conspiracy theories.

“It just came to my attention then. I was interested in conspiracy theories, I was interested because, for example, I suddenly realized that I was no longer talking to old former friends who seem to think similarly and seem to have the same worldview. We didn’t see him for a while, and when we met, it turned out that he believed chemtreilais, He believes that the Pyramid of Cheops was built by some giant, etc. I don’t know, but in some cases it’s just a lack of education.

I have examples from my environment where people have not valued the printed word for a long time and have not read much, and suddenly some brochure falls into their hands, and often it is some kind of lighting or something isothermal. Suddenly their eyes widen and they realize that they have never read such things. They have absolutely no comparative principle. I have a few examples at a time nugravituoja to a kind of walking across borders, those pseudo-spiritual things, with which they bring conspiracies, strange contraptions ”, says M. Mikutavičius.

Marijonas Mikutavičius

Marijonas Mikutavičius

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

“But there are also examples where smart and very responsible people resort to this kind of thing. There’s no way I can explain that. To the point where they start to doubt everything, they don’t believe in history textbooks because the school is usurped by the government, they don’t believe in Google because it was usurped by Bill Gates, the European Union was usurped by some Soros – everything is usurped. So I have a question: where is your fulcrum, where is the foundation ? Because you have to believe in something, if not, you have to have some information, “adds M. Mikutavičius.

Without silencing the discussions about vaccines, M. Mikutavičius assured that he had received proposals to agitate vaccination in one form or another, but, as the interpreter emphasizes, agitation is not his task, although, he says, he will definitely vaccinate.

“It just came to our knowledge then bačkos and going to war every day, saying something, is not my way of proving it, especially since I tend to think that we don’t have to forcibly vaccinate everyone, and I’m not the militant person who says we despise people who don’t they have been vaccinated, “says M. Mikutavičius.

Some musicians were employed as taxi drivers.

When asked how people in show business, musicians, behaved, the interpreter assured that the mood was different and that the people themselves were doing different jobs.

“I know musicians who just spit on everything and work as taxi drivers or carry food, and spit on everything, because what’s the fact that he’s been an amazing bass player for about eight years, who cares that she’s a promising violinist? ? They just work for jobs they can find. For others, the quarantine may have benefited. Again, I don’t know if I will reveal the underworld, but there are music lessons in progress, parents allow children to learn music, either remotely or directly, I don’t know, but some say they live very well. , even better than before the quarantine.

Some public sector bodybuilders just build performances, create shows because they are low budget workers. They build them in the hope that someone will see them sometime. Of course, the depressed mood is high, of course, people try not to show it, but I think everyone is tormented by that sense of nonsense and perception that the world you loved, believed in, has collapsed and does not know. if he will return ”, says the interpreter.

“The question is whether, after long changes, society can still go back to what it was. In a global or national sense, again, nothing new. Societies are transforming, life is changing, but some people will collapse. I need to think, probably change the specialization. The profession of bodybuilding has always been difficult to feel and very risky, without guarantees, now it is a hundred percent less guarantee “, says M. Mikutavičius.

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