Migrants have rebelled against prison guards: fears of riots


The Pravieniškės elder says there could be more information about what is happening to the migrants.

“It just came to our notice then. We only see cars going in and out. The public is concerned about those migrants, maybe more information should be provided, but anyway, I really don’t see any danger in the Pravieniškės settlement,” he told the television LNK Kęstutis Marcinkevičius, the oldest of Pravieniškės.

However, residents of Pravieniškės say they sleep restlessly.

“Horror. Then there are enough prisoners here. It will run away, it will make your head spin. I have lived here for thirty years,” the local said.

“They have to be in a completely different place to be like a camp where you can keep everyone,” said the man interviewed on television.

“They should be treated there, in the same place where they lived, not transported to Pravieniškės,” said another interlocutor.

Residents are assured that infected migrants are kept in a separate sector and have no contact with others, and that the most seriously ill people are transported to combat hospitals.

“If treatment is needed, they are hospitalized for treatment. We have those patients today. Depending on the region, in the Vilnius region and other regions, because the further away, the more different patients appear, ”explained Aušra Bilotienė – Motiejūnienė, LNK Deputy Minister of Health.

Migrants have rebelled against prison guards: fears of riots

© DELFI / Orestas Gurevičius

The Pravieniškės authorities did not find time to provide further details on the treatment of the migrants, but clarified that only the men are isolated in Pravieniškės: they are assigned 20 beds.

However, the municipality of Kaišiadorys advertises on its website that the number of beds may be higher.

“Currently, 10 illegal immigrants are already being treated in the Penitentiary Hospital. Today, seven will already be deported and the treatment of three illegal immigrants will continue. We have 37 free beds in the hospital, so the maximum number of illegal immigrants should not exceed thirty-seven “, is quoted on the municipal website Marius Dudonis, deputy director of the Penitentiary Hospital.

The municipality announces that the migrants from the Rūdninkai landfill will be transported mainly to Pravieniškės.

As long as they remain in the hospital, they will be protected in the same way as prisoners.

The president of the Correctional Home Workers Union says officials are shocked by the decision because it is unclear who would be responsible in the event of riots.

“It just came to our attention then. Of course, this is not our question: there are politicians, there is a government. For me, as president, the security of officials is, above all, guarantees that if something happens, the official will not he is to blame, but he is fully protected, ”commented Kęstutis Pauliukas, Director of the Pre-Trial Union Investigative Institutions.

Migrants have rebelled against prison guards: fears of riots

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

Officials have been instructed to inform management, which will be used by the Public Security Service and other forces, in the event of disturbances, but the question arises whether there will be enough officials to monitor the migrants.

“Until now, there is no such knowledge of that additional capacity (necessary – aut.p.). Everything to work. And there is a lack of officials in all institutions for the execution of sentences,” said K. Pauliukas.

Most of the infected migrants must be admitted to the Rokiškis Psychiatric Hospital, at least 60, to which foreigners also begin to be transported. The Švenčionys hospital provided 18 beds, but another 25 immigrants were treated over the weekend.
