Migrants give shopping lists to volunteers: they asked for sweets and one for champagne


According to the Presidency, the Seimas cannot use garbage cans either. Advisers to the agreement note that the parliamentarians who approved the amendments to the law on the legal status of foreigners simply discarded human rights, so the president is considering vetoing such amendments.

Now there are 50 illegal residents in the Lazdijai district, Kapčiamiestis. Muslims around the world commemorate the Feast of the Sacrifice. Muslims living in Dzūkija also want to commemorate this occasion. Red Cross volunteers are writing what illegal immigrants want.

“The Red Cross volunteers will help them with the purchases. They have savings. We make a list and go to the store, we buy, ”says volunteer Lukas Rutkauskas.

Some ask for coke, cookies, cigarettes, hygiene items and only one asks for alcohol. Champagne. The volunteer strictly refuses to comply with such a request. It is true that the border violator claims he made fun of the champagne.

However, it is not funny for the illegal service personnel or the mayor of Lazdijai. Food is produced for border rapists living in Kapčiamiestis in another village in the Lazdijai district, some 60 kilometers away. Initially, hot dishes were carried in thermal plates. But the chefs found feces and urine in them. It is true why the newcomers decided to do it, no one explains.

“We also get complaints about feces and urinary vessels. And disrespectful food. And relevant products that they refuse to eat,” says Mayor Ausma Miškinienė.

Food is now served in disposable containers.

“At first, there was feces and urine. Afterwards, the food is served in disposable containers, arranged in portions, so that no such unpleasant surprises are found in the returned containers and containers, ”says A. Miškinienė.

They flow from Belarus every day

With dozens of illegal people leaving Belarus every day, the president was also concerned about his restricted rights. Currently, the Presidency is considering, veto or not, the amendments to the Law on the legal status of foreigners approved by the Seimas, which allow the examination of illegal asylum applications to be shortened from 151 to 91 days. Povilas Mačiulis, an adviser to Gitanas Nausėda, said on news radio that the parliamentarians simply disregarded human rights.

“The current ruling majority of the Seimas uses human rights every three words in their rhetoric. It is interesting that when this law was passed, human rights were probably forgotten and thrown away, because migrants are left without any human rights and not there is a possibility of appeal, ”said P. Mačiulis.

P. Mačiulis is outraged that, according to the amendments approved by the Seimas, asylum seekers can only apply to the court once. The decision of the Department of Migration could be appealed once before the Department of Migration itself and once before an administrative court. Furthermore, in an emergency, according to human rights experts, the border violator does not have the opportunity to defend himself legally, since his right to information may be restricted.

“According to this wording of the law, the State does not undertake to provide information about what is happening to them in simple and intelligible language. How realistic is it that a person who needs help, who needs asylum, who flees from war, religious persecution, sexual violence and other cruel things will have the opportunity to use this system effectively, will have the opportunity to appeal to a court? says the director of the Lithuanian Center for Human Rights Jūratė Juškaitė.

Before taking the veto decision, Nausėda decided to consult the president of the Seimas, human rights specialists and members of the Seimas from a distance. The president is considering vetoing the law and proposing to amend it in the Seimas with new proposals in the summer, or signing the law and waiting for MPs to amend it on their own initiative in the fall. The rulers suggest to the president not to veto the amendments.

“Now is the time not for picturesque speeches, but for decisive action, considering that Lukashenko launches several dozen immigrants to Lithuania every night. In the autumn session, we plan to re-adjust the law if necessary,” says the President of the Seimas Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen.

Tomas Vytautas Raskevičius, Chairman of the Seimas Human Rights Committee, states: “I am very hopeful that the president will critically evaluate the law from a human rights point of view and draw the attention of Seimas members to problems that may be corrected. “

Laurynas Kasčiūnas, chairman of the Seimas Defense and National Security Committee, says: “There really is no need to veto what the signal would be, especially for migrants’ countries of origin. The Seimas decided very seriously and said there would be no new illegal migration route through us. “

The Seimas opposition wants a veto. It is said that if the law were to take effect in the summer with human rights gaps, border violators could seek justice in international courts by the fall.

Especially in the case of a human rights court, considerable damage would have to be compensated. The perfect option would be to face it now without waiting for the consequences that may happen, ”says farmer Agnė Širinskienė.

“It just came to our attention then. Especially at the stage of adoption of the amendments that were being carried out, ”says Social Democrat Algirdas Sysas.

Members of the Seimas are awaiting the decision of President G. Nausėda on the amendments restricting the rights of migrants already tomorrow. The Ministry of the Interior rejects the criticisms of the Presidency and affirms that human rights are still guaranteed.
