Mia about ex-husband scandals, dream photography, blackmail with erotic recordings: now that she is with Goda Aliyev, I see the same scheme


When the presenter asked at first if there was an engagement ring on the singer’s finger, an engagement ring, the singer with a suspicious smile on her face said yes, but that it is new to her beloved, she did not agree to reveal it. Soon, Mia admitted that although there were more men in her life than could be counted on the fingers of one hand, she sincerely loved only one.

“I have never had an overnight relationship, I have always had friends. But there was only one when I thought it was true love. And I don’t think there will be more in the future. I have been too disappointed in life, there have been many failed relationships, so I no longer believe. And now I understand why there were so many experiences. When I agreed to pick something up, I thought this one wasn’t mine, but the other one would be mine. But you either work with relationships or you don’t. There are no miracles. And I don’t know if I want to work (laughs). And I have something to live on, the summer was full of concerts, let’s not forget that I still work in television, “said Mia.

After hearing the viewer’s question about the secret of her beautiful figure, the singer said that she did not have one, but agreed to reveal to the public for the first time that she had undergone plastic surgery.

“It was a long time ago and I was lying under the surgeon’s knife more for the stage than for me. It was a breast augmentation surgery. The journalists tried to catch me, but everything went very calmly, there were no scandals. And for the face, I haven’t done anything yet, although I already would. But the doctor won’t let me. Although many people still accuse me of swelling my eyes and say that maybe something is wrong with my kidneys, but that’s how my genes are from childhood, “the singer opened.

And what would she change in her life?

“The only thing I would change is my husband. That second, Spit. This was my biggest mistake in life. He brutally dragged me to the bottom. I remember that moment in my life as a cruel nightmare. All trouble was through him. The collapse of the restaurant, many other things that I do not even want to say, “said the interlocutor of the program” Uncomfortable questions. “

Speaking of the restaurant’s failed and rather scandalous story, Mia received a reminder not only not to pay staff salaries, but also to be fined for non-compliance with hygiene standards, but also the question: who needed the whole business ?

“The employees have been settled for a long time, because they received benefits from the state, don’t cry. And I did, I received fines, and very large, I still pay them. And anyway, everything is simple. He lived with a man who was unemployed. A year or a half later, I still saw that it didn’t work. And then he says, you know, restaurants are my “horse”, maybe we’ll open ours? It is as if men buy beauty salons for their women, I bought a restaurant for my husband. And I remember perfectly well when one day, on the way to filming, he asked me for 3.5 thousand. as a security deposit. And those owners of that place were his friends. It was these three who brutally deceived me, knowing that there was still money in my bank account. And I was to blame for everything.

After all, everything was done in my name. He told me “first you become a director, then we find something.” It was that beginning and it was enough to ruin everything. I put my money made from music there. After that, the staff told me that Nerijus had just taken money from the register and was living and having fun while I was working at Palanga. At the time, I closed my eyes because he was driving it alone, and I had a very busy summer on stage. He drove so much that he earned a lot of debts. It was one of the stupidest decisions of my life: helping my husband.

Opening moment of the Vilija Pilibaitytė-Mios restaurant

Opening moment of the Vilija Pilibaitytė-Mios restaurant

© DELFI / Orestas Gurevičius

And I stretched for a long time. For me, it was my second marriage, I thought how bad it would be to be different. But it had to be done much earlier. He is not a good man. He was constantly stealing money from me, taking it out of the house. I don’t want to talk about it anymore because after that I was starving myself for car tires. We live in a city right now, he’s scared, I don’t want to talk.

He takes revenge on me, he’s such a man. There was a time when he was blackmailed, just because I lived with him for a while. I had added photos, videos. They photographed me asleep, disgusting, right? He kept following me, I even found listening equipment in the car. Or talking to a friend of ours while leaving the room leaving his tape recorder on his phone. I don’t know what he had in mind. But I was faithful to him all those years, because I just didn’t have time to go left, “said M. Pilibaitytė.

Mia about ex-husband scandals, dream photography, blackmail with erotic recordings: now that she is with Goda Aliyev, I see the same scheme

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

Recently, a scandal broke out when a photo of a nude Mios was posted on one of the chat platforms and the singer was convinced that this had been done by her now ex-husband N. Antanavičius. The singer is open: after that, he corresponded with both Nerius and his current beloved Goda Aliyev.

“I don’t know which of them wrote there, but the messages were disgusting, humiliating. It was not at all my level of correspondence. I suffered a lot for that in life, it wasn’t just that photo. And he knows it was a video, not a photo, and when he says there was a third person, I wonder. There was no other person there. Spit knows how to twist everything. For example, donating a car and then rewriting it for someone else. It was he who then handed over the BMW that he had given me for the debts. Nerijus is a master of all purposes and I feel that now there will be something in return for me after this interview ”, the guest of the program opened.

God ali

God ali

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

Asked about the relationship with the current lover of N. Antanavičius, member of the group “69 in the sky” G. Alijeva, Mia said that she did not believe that her colleague on stage disappointed her husband, because they have not lived together for more than 2 years.

“I tried to tell her about Spit as he is, but she said it was our business with him. I tried to warn you as a woman because it is feminine solidarity. And she reacted like I wanted it back, even though I don’t really need it. And Nerijus was already living with Goda when he offered to return.

Already when we traveled with him after the wedding holidays, I already had that moment. For the wedding, of course, I paid for it, we stayed in one of the hotels, the most luxurious apartments, for the honeymoon, he said “I will pay for everything”, and I see, somehow he reacts to everything strangely . I ask him if I need to pay now, I said “now it’s you who pay, I’ll give it to you later.” These are the neck-deep moments out there.

Wedding of Vilija Pilibaitytė-Mios

Wedding of Vilija Pilibaitytė-Mios

© DELFI / Tomas Vinickas

And now that he’s with Goda, I see exactly the same scheme. Even BMW gave it to him. I hope that car does not suffer the same luck (laughs). But don’t get me wrong, I’m not laughing at God. I wonder why we get mad at her. I think she’s pissing her off at me, trying to make me mad at other people too, I only found out later. For example, with Nijole Duty, but we have already solved it with her. Neriukas’s work is here too.

Now nothing happens between them and me, leave me alone, ”says Mia.

Later in the show, the singer also told about an ingenious plan, how, not being able to divorce her civilized civilization with her husband, lying to him that she was going to visit her mother, she took her things to Klaipeda’s house little by little.

When asked about a scandal that had now been forgotten but rang out more than 10 years ago when she confronted Natalia Bunke during Stan’s wedding, Mia said it was not a fictitious case and openly revealed the real cause of the incident.

Natalija Bunkė (right) and Vilija Pilibaitytė-Mia

Natalija Bunkė (right) and Vilija Pilibaitytė-Mia

“Why did this happen? For the boy. I can’t tell all of Lithuania, I will betray Natalia. She still lived with David Zvonkus, but it wasn’t because of Zvonkus. He hurt my very good friend, after that we tried to” resurrect “him. , we got married everywhere so as not to be sad. One time he called and said a nasty word about me, and he had turned on the loudspeaker. Then the war started. A very big war. And after that, we accidentally met at the wedding from Stan.

Zvonkus came up to me and asked: what are we mad at Natalia here? I did not know this story. I’m certainly not the person to go, count, divide the family, but I said that’s why. Natalia then comes over and invites Zvonkai to dance, and that begins to apply to us. I say: “Natalia, you know why we are angry.” Then he grabbed me and yanked me off the bar stool. My ingrown toenails broke and that story began. Long years of hate that are not over yet, I think. <...> She lied a lot after that, my pain remained, “Mia opened.

When asked if it was true that she had a problem with alcohol and who pushed her to do it, the singer did not deny it and compared herself to any other Lithuanian woman.

“I couldn’t drink on Fridays for work, also on Mondays. I think I have as many problems with alcohol as everyone else. I’m not saying I’m a teetotaler and don’t drink anything. But there hasn’t been anything better and I couldn’t stop. Not even I can look at alcohol the second day, so I don’t know if I have a problem with alcohol or not. If I had these problems, I would have to code. If the family suffered, it would be necessary to think about the job. Yes, I like to drink, but only when I can relax, “said the stage star, adding that he has quit alcohol at all at this point.

Recently, however, Delfi reported that on New Year’s Eve, Mia had tried to drunk through a police barrier that restricted movement between cities, and when agents became suspicious, the breathalyzer showed slightly more than one per thousand in the man’s blood. artist.

At the end of the program, M. Pilibaitytė said that his father still has a problem with alcohol and that his mother is a woman who does not drink anything. She also said that the 20-year-old son considered her an authority, said that the most difficult test in their relationship – adolescence – was already in the past, so now they agree perfectly and have a very strong relationship.

Why doesn’t it go well with men? What were your 17 years in the entertainment world? How did Mia help Sel Egidijus Dragūnas get back on stage and what were their common amusements? After which event, the singer was already thinking about ending her career, but was saved by a new man in the life of a woman? What secret hobbies does Mia have in bed and what sex toy does she have at home? Mios’ responses are very open and sincere, in the “Awkward Questions” program, the full publication of which can be seen at the top of the article.

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