Message to Graduates: Maturity Exam Results Announced


“16 of the 100 possible exams had to be passed to pass the biology, geography, French and German exams. Taking into account the average score obtained in each exam, it can be observed that the results are very close to the evaluations of exams from previous years. We also noted that nearly all exam results correlate with students’ annual evaluations. This likely led to the fact that only those whose annual subject grades were no lower than four could come to the test centers this year, ”says Vidmantas Jurgaitis, Director of the NSA’s Department of Monitoring and Evaluation.

The state biology maturity exam was conducted by 5,582 candidates. 97.2% passed the exam. (last year – 97.7%) of the candidates. 2.8 percent received a score of 100 points. candidates (last year – 1.5%). According to V. Jurgaitis, the results of this year’s biology exam in terms of the number of graduates who received the highest marks are the best in recent years.

2,842 candidates took the state geography maturity test. 98% passed the exam. (last year – 99%) of the candidates. 0.5 percent received one hundred points. candidates (last year – 1%). “The geography exam testers had a difficult task, because the exam had assignments that test geographic thinking. However, the results show that those who chose to take this exam were well prepared, ”says the director of the NSA’s Department of Monitoring and Evaluation.

All candidates passed the state matriculation exams in French and German, but fewer candidates received a 100-point grade than last year. There were 15 candidates who took the French language exam. One hundred points were awarded to 2 candidates (13.3% of those who passed). 44 candidates took the German language exam. One hundred points were awarded to 6 candidates (13.6% of those who passed).

Within two business days of the announcement of the results, students may file appeals with their school principal. When writing appeal requests, students can also make their case as to why they disagree with the exam grade they have received. All appeals will be heard before August 3.

Until July 16. It is planned to publish the results of the state maturity test in Lithuanian language and literature; the results of other exams will be known no later than July 23.
