Merkel seeks to extend restrictions on pandemic in Germany


The document should be discussed at a meeting between Merkel and regional leaders on Monday.

For now, the current restrictions remain in effect until the end of March.

With the rapid increase in morbidity again, health authorities warn not to ease any restrictions.

According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the incidence for the past seven days on Sunday is 103.9 cases per 100,000 cases. population.

100 cases 100 thousand. exceeding the population threshold basically means that new restrictions have to be introduced.

A Foreign Ministry document states that “interior contact with buildings should be avoided, if possible, due to the increased risk of infection.”

While many business employees are able to work from home, those who need to get to their workplace “should have to take at least two rapid tests (COVID-19) per week,” the document says.

The plan also foresees the possibility for regions to “open separate spaces to the public,” but this would require negative COVID-19 testing in humans and contact tracing.

Travel abroad should be kept to a strict minimum and combined with quarantine requirements and a negative test before returning to Germany.

On Wednesday, Merkel’s administration urged Germans to be responsible during the pandemic and not to go to the popular Spanish island of Mallorca during the Easter holidays, although airlines have offered hundreds of flights to meet growing demand.
