Merchants offer gradual opening of trade – visit could take up to 15 minutes as a service


According to the press release, in the opinion of LPIA, first of all, the operating ban for stores with a separate direct entrance from the outside should be lifted and the commercial space available for visitors does not exceed 2,000 m2 M. meter. This exemption should apply to all establishments with a separate exterior entrance, regardless of location.

“Lithuania’s business sector is one of the biggest taxpayers and employers. Currently, a significant proportion of employees are in downtime, making their wage compensation measures and other state aid measures for companies a significant burden on the state budget. Furthermore, business support measures do not guarantee that the continuation of the restrictions will prevent the insolvency of a large number of business companies, ”says Rūta Vainienė, Director of the Lithuanian Business Companies Association (LPĮA).

According to the company, the commercial sector employs a total of about 106 thousand people. workers. Therefore, easing restrictions would help increase people’s employment, as well as address a significant part of the social problems encountered during the quarantine.

“We offer an analogy to quarantined services, which can operate if the service takes less than 15 minutes to provide. Most stores can make a visit of a similar duration, in addition to longer distances and shorter contact with staff in service in the trade. By limiting the commercial space available for visitors, buyers in smaller retail establishments would take less time, it would be easier to control the observance of distances between buyers, “said R. Vainienė.

In their letter to the Government, members of the LIAA, which unites Lithuanian and foreign retail companies, emphasize that the stores that have reopened would strictly comply with the requirement of commercial space per visitor, as well as other managers of emergency operations at the level. state. public health conditions safety, hygiene, provision of people with the necessary personal protective equipment.

Sports clubs also ask permission to resume their activities.

The Lithuanian Association of Sports and Health Clubs is also calling on the Government to resume safe activities. Vidmantas Šiugždinis, a member of its board of directors, points out that the activities in the sector are very seasonal: the main sales of the year take place in October-March.

“We are closed since November 7 last year. The income of the sports and health clubs fell to 100 percent during the quarantine. This year, neither the flow of visitors nor the flow of income will recover, and this will be a very difficult and painful blow for the whole sector, “said V. Šiugždinis in the report.

The association also requests separate assistance specifically for sports and health clubs.

According to the report, the number of COVID-19 infections in gyms is low, since the premises are constantly ventilated and disinfected, distances are maintained and a safe area is guaranteed.

Sports clubs were closed last November following the introduction of universal quarantine in the country for the second time.

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