Men from Karpavičius-controlled empire reveal opaque trade deals and bribes: secret audio recordings


The stories of witnesses who for many years were very close to Raimondo. Witnesses who spoke boldly of a will signed in a strange handwriting, announcing the manager of the impressive wealth business, who became the brother of the late R. Karpavičius, Henrik.

So in the last story, the shocking facts about this will not be shared by anyone other than a person who has been close to H. Karpavičius for days, weeks and even months, who was probably not the only one who escaped not only from the huge pressure or the law. inability to execute, but also the possible consequences of public disclosure, which is now happening behind the scenes of the defunct R. Karpavičius business empire.

The aloud names of politicians, companies and the criminal world are only a small part of what the last story will be about. And here are secret and surprising audio recordings about non-transparent business transactions from R. Karpavičius’s factories once established in Lithuania to the business center of London or even large bribes that may have been paid to some law enforcement officers in our country, which surprised me. as well as.

A true “dessert” awaits at the end of this story.
