Meghan Markle’s first loss in the fight against the UK post.


The Supreme Court judge ruled that all three elements in Meghan’s case to the associate newspaper editor, Associated Newspapers, should be removed. The part where Markle talks about the unfair deal has been removed.

The judge also suspected Meghan’s accusation against the publisher that they had “deliberately disrupted the relationship between Meghan and her father.”

When these points were questioned, it was decided that these aspects should be removed from the archive.

A spokeswoman for the Duchess of Sussex said in court that this decision “will not change the basic principles of this case and will go ahead.”

Delphi He recalls that at the age of 38, Markle sued the Associated Newspapers and the Mail on Sunday for publishing excerpts from a “private and confidential” letter to his father, Mark Markle. This letter was sent to him by Markle in 2018. in August, that is and. three months after marriage to Prince Harry.

Mail on Sunday claims that Markle revealed the contents of the letter after Markle’s friend informed the People newspaper that the letter existed. A recent statement from the Duchess of Sussex said she did not allow her friends to interact with People journalists.

Legal documents state that if he had granted the right to be interviewed, he would have prohibited speaking about the letter and its content.

The new legal documents describe in more detail how Markle and Prince Harry tried to communicate with Markle when he fell ill before their two weddings in 2018. May 19

Prospective newlyweds called him and wrote short messages. T. Markle was hospitalized in 2018. on May 3 because he complained of “severe chest pain.”

“I called and wrote messages, but you did not respond or write. I hope you are well,” Markle wrote, according to new court documents.

May 6 Markle and Prince Harry learned that Markle, who, according to Markle’s legal team, had not received reassurance from Mail on Sunday journalists, posed for the paparazzi. Newspapers claim that the Duchess of Sussex wanted “to discreetly care for her father and protect her privacy and personal life from media interference, and she advised him to try not to attract unnecessary attention before the wedding.”

May 14 Markle suddenly said that she could not attend the wedding. Prince Harry tried unsuccessfully to call him for about half an hour and finally sent several messages, the content of which is contained in new court documents.

“Tom, this is Harry, I’ll call you right away. Please answer.” “Tom, Harry writes again! I need to speak to you. He won’t have to apologize, we understand the circumstances, but” public disclosure “will only make matters worse. If you love Meg and you want to do the right thing, then be good and call me. There are two options to avoid communication with the media, who were boiling this porridge. Please call me so I can explain everything. Meg and I are not angry, we just want to talk. Thank you “.

By the way, when you talk to the media, you WILL get the opposite result from the one you plan, trust me, Tom. Only we can help you with what we’ve been trying to do from the beginning. “

When Markle’s father told TMZ about the heart attack he suffered, it made news for his daughter, according to new court documents.

May 15, she replied to a message from Markle: “I tried to contact him all weekend, but he did not answer the calls or write … I am very concerned about his health and safety. I have taken every possible measure to protect you, but I don’t know what I can do if you keep quiet … Need help? Maybe send a team of security guards again? It’s a shame you’re in the hospital, but contact us … In which hospital were you hospitalized? “” Today, Harry and I decided to send the same security guards you rejected last weekend … They will keep you safe. Call me as soon as possible … This whole story is very worrying, but your health is the most important thing. “

Following the release of the new legal documents, Markle and Harry announced Sunday night that neither they nor their representatives would cooperate with the four UK newspapers. A letter sent to the editors the same afternoon stated that “there will be no supporting information or communication.”

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, who moved to Los Angeles with their son Archie in March, said they disagreed with the “news” style of four tabloids (The Sun, The Daily Mail, The Mirror and The Express ). According to the royal couple, these posts “ruined” the lives of many people.

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