Meeting with Curve: Nausėda wondered if business interests would interfere again


After the meeting, the adviser to President Antanas Bubnelis assured that during the conversation the most important issues in the sector were discussed. According to A. Bubnelis, the head of state was interested in knowing whether D. Kreivis’s business interests did not prevent him from working properly as head of the Ministry of Energy.

During the conversation, the president also wanted to hear the opinion of the candidate on whether all his private interests would allow him to work as a full-fledged minister: this means making decisions on all issues in the field of energy. The work of the current Minister of Energy was discussed. The President asked for the opinion of the candidate and heard that, in principle, most of his works were evaluated positively, ”said A. Bubnelis.

After the meeting, the candidate himself assured that he did not have broad interests in the energy sector and that he had already learned interest management while working at Seimas.

“I have not heard any more in-depth evaluations of the candidacy. However, in terms of interests, I have assured the President that I have been in Parliament for more than a decade and that I have mastered the coordination and prevention of interests. As the saying goes, for a while he is undefeated. That, as lessons, is learned. And there are no broad interests in the energy sector, “said D. Kreivys.

According to him, in his interests “it will be necessary to withdraw from decision-making only in exceptional cases.”

The most important objectives of the country’s energy sector are discussed

The Counselor of the Presidency detailed the priority issues in the energy sector.

At the meeting, the main objectives of the country’s energy sector were discussed. These are, in particular, the smooth implementation of the electricity grid synchronization project, the ban on the import of Astrava electricity at the level of the European Union. The focus was also on the green field, which is renewable energy and the development of innovation, ”he said.

Dainius Kreivys, Nausėda Gypsies

Dainius Kreivys, Nausėda Gypsies


“According to the president, the appointed minister must ensure the continuity of the energy strategy, promote the development of innovations, modernization of the energy sector, as well as maximize the use of the existing energy infrastructure,” said A. Bubnelis.

Who could become potential members of the team if D. Kreivys became minister, he said thoughtfully, but, above all, according to the candidate, we must await the decision of the head of state.

“First, there are the most important decisions that the president will make, then I will decide on the nominations. Yes, I am determined and I will probably not be a single candidate, but I have not spoken with anyone until I have a decision from the president, “he explained.

The merger of the Ministry is supported

When asked if he would approve the merger of the Ministry of Energy with other ministries, D. Kreivys assured that he saw that possibility and discussed it with G. Nausėda.

“This is a topic of discussion, we discussed that topic with the president. TS-LKD 2016 One of the points of the program was that after the implementation of the strategic projects, this ministry could be merged with the Ministry of Transport and Communications and the Ministry of State Infrastructure could be established, ”he said.

Dainius Kreivys, Nausėda Gypsies

Dainius Kreivys, Nausėda Gypsies


Astravo question

Mr. Kreivys stressed that he had also spoken with the president about the Astrava nuclear power plant. At the same time, the candidate for energy ministers acknowledged that the posts with the outgoing head of the Ministry of Energy were the ones that differed the most due to Astravas.

“I appreciate the work of Minister Žygimantas Vaičiūnas, his contribution to the development of the synchronization project, the search for joint solutions with regional partners, the implementation of the possibility of back-up connection to Poland – really many good projects. Together in the Seimas, we work with Lithuania’s energy independence strategy, working together extensively on the anti-Astravia law and the synchronization law.

Yes, the only disagreement we had was the methodology to buy electricity from third countries, certain nuances of that methodology, where today we see electricity entering the Lithuanian market. This is also confirmed by our operator, who provided Latvians with a new methodology. In principle, I appreciate the work of the ministry very well, but this disagreement may be a small mistake by the minister ”, explained D. Kreivys.

We remind you that D. Kreivys in 2011. resigned as Minister of Economy. The resignation was determined by the Chief Ethics Commission (COEC) on March 8, 2011. a decision declaring that Mr. Kreivys, in his capacity as Minister of Economy and signing an order for the allocation of the European Union for the renovation of educational establishments, had been declared an infringer of the law by a construction company of which the mother of the applicant was a shareholder.

On Thursday, the head of state will complete a series of meetings with candidates for ministers. On Thursday afternoon, G. Nausėda is scheduled to speak with the candidate for Minister of National Defense Arvydas Anušauskas and the candidate for the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs Gabriel Landsbergis.

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