Media: FBI investigates divisions of Swedbank, Danske and SEB in the Baltic countries | Deal


In an article published on Tuesday, sources at Dagens Industri said that the US authorities suspect the branches of three banks in the Baltic countries of fraud and money laundering.

The FBI is also said to be investigating the financial behavior of bank customers.

Following the publication of the Dagens Industri article, the shares of the three banks fell: Swedbank shares fell more than 7%, SEB more than 5% and Danske Bank more than 3%.

Last summer, the Swedish Department of Justice received a request for legal assistance from colleagues in the United States, which revealed that the banks were operated by three US federal authorities.

Although neither the US nor Swedish authorities commented on the new circumstances, Swedbank’s Swedish spokesman Ralph Bagner told Norwegian business news portal E24 that the bank was under investigation by Danish, US, Estonian and French authorities.

“And as we have said before, we are working closely with all of them,” Bagner said in a comment in Norwegian.

A representative of the bank added that the results of the cooperation were unpredictable and that everything remained uncertain.

As early as November 2019, it became clear that the US authorities were conducting an investigation into Swedbank, as the bank may have helped violate sanctions imposed on Russia when a bank employee allowed the Russian oligarch and former minister Mikhail Abyzov to transfer more than $ 860 million in 70 foreign accounts related to Swedbank. USD, E24 reported.
