Mažvydas Karalius: Bishops, are you ready to take responsibility in the heat of a pandemic?


According to the results of a survey published by SEB bankas on Tuesday, Lithuanians missed trips, opportunities to attend cultural events, theaters and to meet friends during the quarantine. There were slightly fewer people willing to return for lunch at cafes, sports clubs, etc.

All these people, including you, whatever the needs and desires of your audience, if I don’t mention them, they will have to hold them back at least until spring. Experts say we shouldn’t expect a much freer life until then, and the next cold season could turn into another bleak winter, because we may not have enough vaccinations until then. Not to mention the possible mutations in the virus that could distort the effectiveness of the vaccine, but let’s leave the speculation to those who know how to create it.

I myself don’t even know what I missed from past lives. For almost a year now, as I move in the shadow of COVID-19 on a daily basis, it was initially rumored that we would no longer live as we used to, but now the past seems like a mirage. Conversations in cafes, handshakes, meetings at events, they seem incredible. Not to mention, the simplest live conversation with a representative from another family farm is already great entertainment and communicative luxury.

I was very disappointed in Christmas because it turns out that this perception of the two family farms is also distorted. A daughter returned from Germany to the country’s president for the festive period, and then we followed the recommendations of the experts, she did not visit our home. There were those who said and recalled that compatriots who had returned from abroad were not prohibited from visiting relatives, and also in the case of the president, they said where to put the girl if it was their only home. Only, as I understand it, a person who lives in another country and a person who lives in Lithuania are two separate farms, because if not, why are my farm and the farm of parents who live in another city two separate units?

It does not matter, Christmas is over, those who wanted to show their bravery and ingenuity, this was demonstrated by trying to deceive the officers on duty outside the municipalities.

Because they are the demons, those vaxes and other COVID-19 deniers.

V.Uspaskich, who began to practice charlatanism, can also dance with Pinchuk: I pressed the words as tactfully as possible to a person who deceives others. On the other hand, it turns out that you don’t even have to search for a stomach with a candle. So the believers of V. Uspaskich and the lucky ones who bought a miracle drink deserved the same.

If there was a lack of awareness in the past, no one will charge it now.

And here is the latest example of this: the Lithuanian Bishops’ Conference, which announced on Tuesday that believers will be able to return to religious services. As I understand it, we should thank the Episcopal Conference for banning worship in churches since mid-December, subsequently extending this ban and protecting people for at least a time from additional contacts and the creation of possible outbreaks of the virus. But now, in the midst of a pandemic, the most appropriate time to return to the sacred spaces, right? I ask ironically.

In fact, the most difficult question to explain is why we are even talking about it in the face of a pandemic. Shouldn’t it be a matter of course not to invite people inside to meet other people from other family farms? After all, showing solidarity with a country where public life is already limited to curb the virus.

The bishop of Šiauliai Eugenijus Bartulis told BNS that people are invited to return to services because the people themselves have asked: “… because people keep asking, demanding. I think people need that spiritual food, they are very thirsty. “

The healthy thought of Kęstutis Smilgevičius, Secretary General of the Episcopal Conference, who communicated to LRT Radio in December last year, quickly spread: “The first quarantine showed that the material situation of the church and any of its structures at any level was had deteriorated significantly. Of course, throughout the year, far fewer people were able to come and participate in worship. So there has certainly been a very, very sharp drop in casualties, but now the absence of worship exacerbates that situation. You have to compress as much as you can: utilities, heat. The heating of the church is not the heating of the apartment, it is thousands of euros. Now is not a long time to warm up, it is often a lack of choice. “

Now it is easy to condemn the Episcopal Conference and say that all its decisions are simply a deduction. But why are they allowed to do so?

If worship is allowed, why aren’t events, theatrical performances, concerts allowed? Why not visit libraries, conferences? I am talking about all these things not in a remote existence, but in a visit to the human nose with proper security compliance.

In the face of a pandemic, when we see thousands of newly infected COVID-19s a day, are they more equal than others? How do they receive that knowledge of the services returned by the doctors who, tired of the strings of the patients, ask us to stop for a moment?

I am not against religion. But I ask, is it enough to be very anxious and willing to be more equal than everyone else, like those people who were so anxious for worship and meetings?

If yes, then I really want:

  • Lunch in a cafe with the family.

  • Get together with friends at the bar and join in a discussion.

  • Go to the library and work there because I like the atmosphere of the library.

Whats Next?

A pandemic, ungrateful as it may be, teaches us good lessons. One of them is that we have the opportunity to see how mature we are as a society and how conscious we are. Until now, apparently we are like windswept teenagers who definitely believe that the whole world is under their feet. But among our desires, we are unable to discover empathy even for another person, for our society in general.

Empathy in itself is difficult, because there is one thing to discover in one, to be able to demonstrate it, the second, and to be able to follow it more than once, the third. It is disappointing that a church that should radiate empathy on its own is unable to appreciate the environment and destroys empathy itself.

I understand that V. Uspaskich has a commercial interest when it comes to COVID-19 water treatment, and I discard it in manure. I even understand our president, who, under the guise of legal cliches, successfully maneuvers between legal formulas, but thus loses the contact and trust of humanity.

I would consider why the Lithuanian Bishops’ Conference is making such a decision. But I just have one question for her that should help answer that: In the heat of a pandemic, are you ready to take responsibility for those people and their destinies whom you invite to join?

All these questions posed in the text are even a bit awkward because they are so banal and shouldn’t even be asked. But why are there always more equal levels?
