Mazai family infected by coronavirus: talk about unviable symptoms and people’s selfishness


“It just came to our knowledge then Covidu. But here it is not about me, but about a divided Lithuania and all those who see only their own. ass“, – your post, which you also shared with Delphi readers, it began.

“After receiving a positive response on the test, I began to pay attention not only to the details (for example, how former SAM Minister Andriukaitis cannot wear a mask), but also to how many moans in public space or in the media.

The owner of the bars is using the media to pressure the authorities to force the bars to close because they will not be profitable. The owner of the restaurant speaks of 50 percent. reduced turnover, downtime or restaurant closures. The head of the basketball club describes the brutal suffering of a possible game without spectators. Representatives of groups and non-formal education resent the two-week break because they do not have the virus.

You know, I’d rather stay home for two weeks than get a virus. I say this with a virus whose shape I still call easy. Non-stop aching muscles, broken bones, loss of sense of smell and taste (and that’s scary because you don’t know when to go back, hit Die to get him back without complications), headaches and constant weakness. Well, aside from a morning in the bathroom when I look at my white legs through inhuman pain and I think this is what the dead look like. And here’s an easy way when I’m not going to a medical facility yet.

And hospital beds are filling up, death statistics are increasing (OK, and I heard that the crown was “crushed” to the dead, because the hospital receives money from the EU in this way, and in the summer I also heard that the government already prepared documents to announce the quarantine as of October 16. By March 14 of next year, I had also heard that masks do not protect against the virus and that you pay money to “influencers” to “get” the virus) and the virus train runs non-stop.

Everyone in public is right and smart as long as you don’t touch them. Instead of complaining in the media, look for ways to preserve your business, how to adapt to changing conditions, how to be responsible to your consumers. Are you a leader? Show an example.

We informed everyone we had close contact with prior to confirmation of the disease, submitted the NVSC registration form, and they ordered us to isolate ourselves. During the presymptomatic period, we had close contact in our restaurant, fortunately only with the manager; he remains in self-isolation even with a negative response to the Covid-19 test. Not only that, we checked employees prophylactically and did not receive any positive feedback.

Yes, the period is very difficult for the service sector. The restaurant’s turnover has already fallen by around 50%, but it must be reconciled: this is now the situation and all this for the public good.

Yes, we are all tired of restrictions, of prohibitions, of restrictions. But if only half of us listen to the calls of the specialists and the other half stubbornly adhere to the fact that there is no virus or it does not affect me, the situation will not improve. Yes, all restrictions will cross the economy when someone’s income drops, but a slimmer pocket is better than underground.

This week, the daughter groups are back on the Zoom platform (and so far everything is great!). We turn around in the kitchen again or order food at home and work from home as far as health allows. And maybe it’s better to keep your fists this way than after a while so you have enough beds in the hospital, and these seem to be overcrowded soon.

The virus is there, I can confirm it. Who does not believe? I invite the guests, I think, of the five the bacillus would easily pass. And as we have already shared in the close circle, the fact that it travels from person to person.

So I want to stop a bit for the health of everyone around me. Because the more we deliver now, the sooner we can go back to summer ”, Š. Mazalas.

Yes, I got sick from Covidu. But here it is not about me, but about a divided Lithuania and all those who only look at their …
Posted by Šarūnas Mazalas in 2020 Thursday October 29

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