Mayor of Ignalina: Our farmers who are crossing the border illegally capture our farmers in cereal fields


According to the mayor, during a conversation with the leadership of the State Border Guard Service, the border guards admitted that not all people who crossed the border into Belarus illegally were detained by officials.

“It is estimated that around ten percent of people escape and are subsequently detained in the country or on the state border with Poland. There are cases where farmers in our area have driven away illegal people hiding in the crops. spraying crops. It is gratifying that in such cases the police or border agents are always informed, “said the mayor of the district municipality of Ignalina, J. Rasikas.

Carriers brought ten illegal

Ramūnas Matonis, a representative of the Police Department, confirmed that on Thursday Vilnius police officers had received a tip that taxi drivers had been called to a village in Ignalina district. The order was to transport people to the city of Kaunas.

“When the transporters became aware of the people who were sitting in the arriving cars, the police were contacted and said people were transferred to the police station and later handed over to the agents of the State Border Guard Service, who they transferred to the Pabradė Alien Registration Center, “said a police spokesman.

According to R. Matonis, ten people were arrested, including seven men, two women and a small child.

It is not yet clear who called the operators to Ignalina, if they did so illegally, most of whom have mobile phones or third parties from Lithuania.

Vidas Mačaitis, deputy director of the State Border Guard Service, affirms that in the aforementioned case the call was from the telephone number of the German mobile operator, two cars were ordered, indicating the GPS coordinates from which the people should be taken.

According to V. Mačaitis, there is still no data that there are organized criminal groups or individuals in the country carrying out illegal organized transport from the Belarusian border to Poland.

“However, we have started several pre-trial investigations, when people who came to Lithuania from Poland and Germany were detained, who contacted the illegal immigrants detained here by means of communication, tried to take them and take them further to Western countries. Those who come into contact with relatives living in Western countries by means of communication, who try to transport them further afield, “said the SBGS deputy commander.

Police Department representative R. Matonis warns residents not to be tempted by the promised reward for illegal transportation, because for this there is a criminal liability: imprisonment for up to six years.

Among the detainees who spread the disease, a woman was taken to give birth

And the mayors of the municipalities where the illegal border violators are located say the newcomers are already causing problems, many of them have been diagnosed with COVID and scabies has also been recorded.

“We are not talking about how much money and effort is needed to manage the garbage dumped in the territories, the amount of water consumed, clogged sewers, into which plastic bottles and hygiene products are thrown,” said Ausma Miškinienė, mayor of the district. of Lazdijai. .

“Several cases of coronavirus have been identified in our residents. We took the patients to the Abromiškės rehabilitation center in the Kaunas district, and a couple of days later they were detained by the border guards on the border with Poland. The biggest absurdity is that such COVID patients are included in the statistics of our district through the e-health system, they can be registered with the municipality, and although they are not physically with us because they were deported, the coronavirus hangs in the statistics . ”Said the head of the municipality of Ignalina, J. Rasikas.

Police Commissioner General Renatas Požėla says that among the arrivals are pregnant women and unaccompanied minors.

“A woman was brought in to give birth and, I was informed, we have a new Lithuanian citizen who was born to a woman who entered the country illegally,” said the country’s police chief.

All the speakers admit that the newcomers are very different.

“There are people with broken and injured legs. There are pregnant women. But there are also apparently wealthy people, whose mobile phones are of the latest generation ”, says the mayor of Ignalina.

The popular social network TikTok is already spreading records of these illegal people from the tent of the Pabradė Alien Detention Center. The registry of one such refugee on June 8 features a registry from Kurdistan in Iraq, in which a man is immortalized in a luxury car.

The subcommander of the SBGS, V. Mačaitis, states that, in accordance with the international conventions signed by Lithuania, people who have passed the quarantine period have the right to use their mobile phones, as well as to have an Internet connection, while they process your asylum applications. .

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