Maxima publishes salaries paid: the difference between salaries in store and administration is about 1329 Eur


According to Jolanta Bivainytė, CEO of Maxima, this new practice will increase the transparency of the remuneration policy.

“Our goal has always been to ensure a transparent pay policy, so we have decided to publish the details of the average salary paid to our employees by different divisions and gender on a monthly basis. This is not a widely used practice in Lithuanian business, but as the largest employer in the country, we feel a responsibility to be responsible and open to the public. At the same time, we will familiarize our potential employees with the remuneration policy applied in the company ”, says J. Bivainytė, CEO of Maxima.

Through this initiative, Maxima is also contributing to the implementation of a new European Commission directive that promotes the dissemination of information on the gender pay gap. This obligation will come into force in Lithuania from April 1, and data on the average income of companies by gender will be publicly available on the Sodra open data portal.

Maxima publishes information on wages paid

Maxima publishes information on wages paid

© Company photo

In February, Maxima’s median salary was 1,062 euros.

According to data published by Maxima, in February 2021, the average salary paid to full-time employees, that is, 151 hours of work, amounted to 1,062 euros before taxes. The average salary for women is € 1,048, for men it is € 1108 before tax. February is a shorter month, so the average salary for employees who work according to the total working time accounting is slightly lower compared to January.

The average salary of the employees of the Maxima store was 963 euros, before taxes, the average salary of the employees of the food production workshops was 1079 euros, the employees of the logistics department, 1183 euros, and the employees of the administration, 2292 euros.

In February, an average of 15.2 percent. The remuneration of Maxima employees consisted of incentive bonuses for the results obtained. The bonuses paid 76 percent. employees, primarily employees of the Maxima store.

2021 According to data from February 28, the total number of employees in the Maxima distribution chain amounts to 13,167, of which 12,468 are active and 12,056 full-time. The state-set minimum wage for employees who perform unskilled work and are paid was 101, or 0.9 percent. of all active Maxima employees.

Detailed information on Maxima’s remuneration policy and statistics can be found HERE.

Real wages are presented

Information on the average salary paid in specific companies is publicly published by Sodra, but only generalized data is provided, that is, the mathematical average of the insured income of all insured employees. Maxima, for its part, opens more detailed data that allows you to show the actual average earnings of employees in different divisions.

“When calculating the actual median salary paid to Maxima employees, it is important to pay attention to the number of active employees, as some employees – currently about 700 – are on paternity or military leave and are not paid , it is also important and really hours worked. The absolute majority of our employees work according to the accounting of total working time, but for different personal or other reasons, not all employees work the full-time standard regulated in the Labor Code ”, details J. Bivainytė.

J. Bivainytė, director of Maxima, explains that the employee’s salary consists of a basic salary and a motivation bonus. The basic compensation structure of employees consists of a 3-rate system (stages), and the personal part of the employee’s compensation depends on their competence, knowledge and responsibilities. As the competence of the employee increases, so does the cost of his work, which is enshrined in the employment contract each time. Meanwhile, the share of motivational remuneration depends on the results obtained by the unit and the personal contribution of the employee to achieve the established objectives. The incentive bonus can range from 10 to 50 percent. base salary.

Each employee is individually granted various additional financial and non-financial benefits: additional health insurance, scholarships for the best-educated children of employees, and a wide range of social benefits enshrined in the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

“We closely monitor the labor market and strive to ensure competitive compensation for employees. The base salary in the company is regularly reviewed. This year, Maxima’s base salary fund has been further increased by almost 8 million euros. The financial motivation system, which is improved and expanded each year, encourages improvement and provides an opportunity for each employee to receive additional bonuses for the results achieved, ”says J. Bivainytė, director of Maxima.

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