Matulas: The situation is scandalous – the purchase of rapid antigen tests was suspended


According to him, the committee received this information today.

“It just came to us then. We were all waiting: both scientists and experts recommend that Lithuania receive and apply rapid antigen tests as soon as possible. Lithuania was waiting and we learned that the National Laboratory yesterday suspended the tender, canceled the tender for rapid antigen tests because errors entered in the acquisition conditions and it is not very possible to buy tests in those acquisition conditions. It is a scandalous situation, “said Delfi.

According to the member of Seimas, the former Minister of Health Aurelijus Veryga signed a decree on the purchase of these tests in early December.

“And it was only on the 22nd that the National Laboratory got up to date that they had written the specification incorrectly,” he said.

According to A. Matul, the Public Procurement Commission predicts that rapid antigen tests are likely to be available only in February.

“It simply came to our knowledge then. The Government and the Ministry of Health (SAM) should already be here under the responsibility of the services and the people, why could it have happened so that a specification was prepared, according to which cannot buy the necessary equipment ”, said A. Matulas.

The president of the commission assured that this information will be analyzed further.

“We are going to raise the issue of public contracting, we see that the contracting initiated by the previous government remains stagnant. (…) After learning today that there was no tender for rapid antigen tests, the Head of the Public Procurement Commission was informed. You need to prepare the information and we will get it immediately after the SRK vacation. I believe that the Government and the SAM must make decisive decisions regarding the inaction of certain managers, the incompetence or special negligence of the specialists, ”added A. Matulas.

Veryga received the information today: not all risks are predictable

For his part, the former Minister of Health Aurelijus Veryga did not hide the fact that he himself found out about the information today and it was news to him.

“There are all kinds of theoretical considerations, but I don’t know the details. I have no doubt that the laboratory, if it did, did it in accordance with the requirements of the law. Purchases can be canceled if someone complains that they don’t meet the conditions, “said Delfi.

According to him, the requirements have changed over time.

Probably something new has appeared and the laboratory, complying with the requirements of the legislation, has canceled and will announce the tender, apparently again. A faster option, even if I were a minister, would have been what we expected in the EU hiring: there is a faster way there, ”said the former Minister of Health.

According to A. Veryga, when signing the order, the potential risks of purchasing rapid antigen tests were not anticipated.

“You have to understand that there are always risks and they are not anticipated, anything can happen. As it happened with the purchases of tubes, when the suppliers said after the purchases that they would not sign a contract, they could not deliver. This can happen at any time with any purchase, “said the politician.

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