Matthew Perry, a 51-year-old actor from the series Friends, wrestled with his twice younger lover


“It just came to our knowledge then. Fortunately, I met the most beautiful woman on the planet,” the man said.

Earlier this year, M. Hurwitz, 29, shared a congratulatory message on social media for Valentine’s Day.

The couple began meeting in 2018.

Matthew Perry’s 30-Year Struggle with Addictions: He Admitted He Doesn’t Remember Three Years of Filming on the Series “Friends”

Matthew Perry not only wanted to be a good actor, he was also drawn to the notoriety associated with this career. “Even the steam in my ears smokes how much I wanted fame. You want attention, you want money, you want the best table in a restaurant, “the actor told the New York Times in an interview in 2002. But fame, it can be said, also became his curse …

His dream was destined to come true when in 1994 he landed the role of the sarcastic and witty Chandler Bingo on the later cult series “Friends.”

“The role of Chandler has become a kind of stepping stone for me,” the actor admitted to Entertainment Weekly in 1997.

The sitcom, in which Perry starred alongside Jennifer Aniston, Courtney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc and David Schwimmer, was the best thing that could have happened to an actor who grew up in Ottawa at the time, having previously played alone. some very unsuccessful comedies.

“I desperately, desperately needed money,” he said.

When he started filming “Friends”, all his financial problems were solved. During the first season, the six actors of the series received 22,000 for each series. $ 500, the amount increased to 75,000 in the third season, and eventually each ninth and tenth season exceeded the pockets of the actors by a million dollars.

Along with the money came the dreamed of popularity.

“I filmed on the series ‘Friends’ from 24 to 34 years old. I literally burned in the flames of popularity. Our first six were everywhere,” recalls the actor.

While a million viewers are worth a laugh, it’s worth crying, the 2002 season premiere was watched by 34 million. Viewers: Mr. Perry’s personal life was certainly not fun. The young man had a dark secret.

“On the one hand, it seemed like he had everything, he should be the happiest person in the world. In fact, I felt terribly lonely at the time, I was addicted to alcohol, ”the actor later admitted confidently.

“I don’t remember the three years of the series. At the time I was out, somewhere between season three and season six, ”Perry said in an interview with BBC reporters.

But that wasn’t all his problem. After the jet ski incident, Mr. Perry also became addicted to drugs.

The dizzying success of the series was what Mr. Perry always wanted.

“When that happens, it seems like it’s kind of Disneyland for a while. It took me eight months, the feeling that I was finally lucky, I got what I wanted. He was very lame, it seemed that there were no more problems in the world. And then you realize that it doesn’t fill the gaps in your life, “the actor told the New York Times.

Dependence on alcohol has become his daily companion. After a jet ski accident in 1997, doctors prescribed medication, which became another part of his addictive puzzle.

“It just came to our notice then. Unfortunately, from the first pill, I liked the feeling the drug gave me and I wanted it more and more,” Perry said.

During the days, he let the jokes pass the lips of his alter ego Chandler, and after work he rushed into the embrace of addictions. Finally, the fight against internal demons began to show itself with the naked eye: the actor lost almost 14 kilograms in weight.

“The situation has gotten out of control, health has started to deteriorate,” Chandler told people.

He first found himself in a rehab clinic in 1997, spending 28 days at Hazelden Betty Ford in Minnesota. Sadly, it was kept clean for a very short time after all. In May 2000, he found himself at Cedars Sinai Medical Center Hospital in Los Angeles, where he was diagnosed with pancreatitis caused by alcohol abuse. The disease is very dangerous and can even be fatal.

Mr. Perry was so stuck that he didn’t understand pancreatitis as a request from the body for help: “Unfortunately, that was not enough to stop drinking.”

On the day he was released from the hospital, he destroyed his Porsche when entering a fortunately uninhabited house. Although there was neither alcohol nor medication in his blood that day, the accident was a great proof of how uncontrollable his life had become.

Colleagues from the series “Friends” tried to help

During all that time, the ratings of “Friends” only grew, and at the same time the royalties of the actors grew. Mr. Perry has also starred in several fairly successful movies, including Nine Yards.

“I tried to talk to him. The feeling that he didn’t want to listen to me. It’s a very personal struggle: to get up you have to get to the bottom,” said actor Matt LeBlanc, who played Joe Tribbiani on Friends.

No matter how difficult the moments have been, the colleagues from the series were always there and were very supportive. In fact, that was all he could do.

“If I said it was difficult, I wouldn’t say anything. When Matthew wasn’t thinking, it was horrible. We were powerless, observers from the side. It was very painful. Matthew is one of the most amazing humorous people I have ever met. He is very charismatic, simply captivated by his wit. It was from Matthew’s jokes that we laughed the most sincerely, ”said Lisa Kudrow, who played Phoebe on the series Buffay about her colleague.

Jennifer Aniston, who played Rachel Green on the show, names M. Perry as “one of the most sensitive people I’ve ever met in my life, she’s more sensitive than most of the women I know. It is easy to hurt, offend feelings. The opinion of those around him is very important to him. “

One of the creators and executive producers of Friends, Marta Kauffman, has said about the actor “People” “

While Perry’s fate was concerned for everyone, the efforts of those around him to help were futile. “I was not ready to listen to what others were saying to me. Everyone can explain how important it is to get rid of addictions, to be sober, but nothing will happen until you realize the need ”, admitted the actor himself.

In the end, Mr. Perry still got sober. He says he had no other choice because it was starting to look like he wouldn’t survive until tomorrow.

The actor took one thing into his own hands: “I followed a strange rule: never drink on set.” However, the addiction could not be hidden: “I had to go to work suffering a terrible hangover, it was an extreme case. It is horrible to feel and work that way. And not just to work, but to make everyone laugh. “

“I don’t remember a good three years. At the time, I was out, somewhere between seasons three and six,” Perry admitted.

Somehow, the actor managed to gather energy in February 2001, when he had to star in two projects – Friends in Los Angeles and Serving Sarain in Dallas – and constantly travel between the two cities.

At that time, vodka was drunk from bottles.

“I constantly wanted to sleep and shake at work,” says the actor.

On February 23, 2001 there was a fateful turning point.

“I can’t describe it because something great happened for some reason, I can’t put it into words,” he says. That day he was in his Dallas hotel room and decided to call his parents and ask for their help.

“I didn’t choose sobriety because I just decided. I chose sobriety because I was worried that I wouldn’t survive until tomorrow, “Perry admitted.

After attending a rehab clinic, she learned to be happy “without alcohol, drugs, or narcotics.”

Although filming “Friends” continued, thirteen days after the film was completed, Perry decided to act in the here and now.

He returned to Los Angeles, his parents transferred him to a rehabilitation center. “It was very scary for me, I just didn’t want to die. I’m thankful that I got to the bottom on time. Only then could I resist and improve ”, opens the Star of Friends.

A month and a half later, Mr. Perry was born again. While work on the film was paused, he convinced the team to finish it. He also returned to his second home, the filming site for the series “Friends.”

“I came back after learning a very important lesson: that you can live happily without alcohol, drugs and narcotics,” the actor rejoiced.

“I remember coming to him when we finished filming the first series of the last season and I said to him ‘I’m so happy you’re back’. Then I didn’t realize how long he hadn’t been with us,” recalls M. Kauffman, who created the series “Friends”.

Later, Perry used his experience in fighting addictive demons to help people with similar destinies.

The fact that it was an integral part of the Friends project from 1994 to 2004 made the fight against addictions more difficult.

“I’m a pretty closed person, but I was filming a TV show that was seen by 30 million people. People, then they saw everything. What was happening in my life was public.” You can’t fight addiction for 30 years and then expect to solve everything in 28 days, “the actor told the Hollywood Reporter.

In 2011, he returned to the rehab clinic.

“I am going to flee for a month, I will dedicate all my time to my sobriety and I will continue the healing process. I invite you to continue laughing at me online,” the actor said in a statement that was not without humor.

A short time later, in 2013, the actor decided to open a male-only rehab clinic in Malibu, Perry House. Although he sold it in 2015, he continued to help his fate brothers and sisters fight addictions.

The actor put all his experiences into the play “The End of Longing,” which debuted in London in 2016. “It’s very personal, that’s my version of thick colors. Jack, the character I create, is a completely different alcoholic from me. She flew out of me, that play. I wrote it in ten days. He probably had something to say, ”Variety told the playwright about the playwright’s role.

Although health problems are a regular reminder of themselves (stomach problems plagued for three months in 2018), and the image of the whale in the public eye has drawn a lot of criticism, essentially Perry’s darkest days are long gone.

“It just came to our attention then. It’s a daily process,” admits the actor.

“There have been many ups and downs in life. I learned from my mistakes. The best thing is that if an alcoholic comes up to me and asks if I can help him to stop drinking, I can say yes, because I know how to do it ”, the famous man rejoices.

The man hopes that this will become his legacy. “When I die, I would like Friends to help people,” Perry said in 2013.

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