mass vaccination will start earlier than in the rest of Lithuania


“It just came to our knowledge then. We believe that the entire infrastructure could be prepared much earlier,” said V. Grubliauskas, adding that the search for a suitable place for mass vaccination has been going on for some time.

According to him, two places in Klaipeda meet the requirements: the “Švyturys” stadium and the LCC Lithuanian Christian College, but the mayor has not yet been able to say which venues will be chosen.

However, the place where the vaccination will take place will become clear after a tender organized by the municipality.

V. Grubliauskas said that it is illogical when the vaccination program is hung in order of priority.

“The biggest concern when there are those who want to be vaccinated are vaccines, but there are procedures that do not allow it. I’ve already said this: Free Freedom Vaccines. Perhaps not absolute, not anarchic, but logical, with a reasoned basis. I believe that the sooner vaccines affect citizens, the gentler the vaccination will be, ”said the mayor of Klaipeda.

Queues cannot be avoided

Gintaras Neniškis, director of the Klaipėda city administration, stated that queues at vaccination centers are unlikely to be avoided in the future.

“Those queues that occur in the field and cause vaccinated dissatisfaction are probably naïve in expecting them to be avoided entirely,” said G. Neniškis, adding that queues also form in Kaunas and Vilnius.

“Yesterday’s vaccination record with the pinch of loss showed that the interest in vaccines that seem reliable to people and have no doubts is really high enough,” Klaipeda Mayor Vytautas Grubliauskas said on Wednesday.

1,054 older adults were vaccinated in Klaipeda on Tuesday. However, according to the data provided by the mayor, the Klaipeda University Hospital still has a carryover of 2,300 doses of the Pfizer vaccine, the Seamen’s Health Care Center – 500 doses of Pfizer and 20 doses of Moderna. In total, around 5,000 doses of COVID-19 are still available in the city.

We previously announced that an elderly person, who had just been vaccinated with the Moderna vaccine, died at the Klaipeda City Polyclinic on Tuesday. reported Loreta Venckienė, chief physician of this polyclinic. According to her, according to preliminary data, the death of a 78-year-old man is not linked to vaccination, but the causes of death will be investigated in more detail.

Asked about this fact on Wednesday, the mayor of Klaipeda reiterated that death and the fact of vaccination have nothing to do with it. “In a preliminary way, as far as is known, no vaccination was the only one (death aut. Note). Anyone could say today without seeing the results of the investigation. Now there is that answer, but the end result will be with a complete medical opinion ”, said V. Grubliauskas.
