Maskoliūnas: “I’m not saying we should be praised, but the kerosene embankment doesn’t help anyone” / News


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The Lithuanian team has barely won a ticket to 2022. European Championship, and the boss. Coach Darius Maskoliūnas did not want to accept that Lithuanians were lucky and said criticism is not always the best.

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“First of all, I want to thank the players for coming to the bubble and helping us,” the Maskoliūnas conference began. – Secondly, our federation did an incredible job because the bubble conditions were excellent. I want to congratulate Denmark and coach Bittman, they were wonderfully prepared. “

“We expected a difficult match because the Danes were playing without any pressure on us. I am glad that the men did not give up in a difficult moment and fought, in some moments they were patient, in other cases they were not. The basketball gods were on our side ”, added the strategist.

– Do not you agree that the Lithuanians were accompanied by success?
– Good luck … How many of us have taken free kicks, which are taken by 40% in clubs. precision and missing today? In the moments when it seems that we are breaking the match, how can we run away, etc.? I would not say that success accompanied us.

I would only say that Danish freedom: how many times we knocked them down in the triple, how many times did we give to shoot two points with a free kick, how many times did we shoot the triple we risked. His high pitches, for example. I really would not agree. Maybe a few moments, but (no more).

– What is the situation in Kuzminsk?
– I needed to sew his leg up, but from what the doctors said, he won’t be able to play for another week. I wish you health and get back on track as soon as possible.

– What happened to the team with a 9 point advantage?
– The Olympic triple entered, we got two points with a foul without defeating the ball. The morning is more intelligent than the night, after the analysis it will be seen with different eyes. It seemed like we were playing patiently, provoking penalties, pushing towards the basket. At least in attack, that game seemed like nothing at all.

Man of the match

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On defense we swapped defenders, but (their) happy shots (fell) and then automatically more pressure, we lose the penalty, a light shooter. It’s difficult to comment on anything except the fact that the Manto block was clean.

– How worried are you about such a nervous window?
– A lot of. What answer are you waiting for? That’s all cruel flour and the will? I am very concerned about how we are surfing.

I trust certain players who know what they can and give even more, but sometimes they just disappear, it seems like other people.

Yes, we have young players who can be limited by the national team jersey, but that swell takes me out of the crayfish. And the whole team hits. We seem to be in control of everything, but then we collapse like a house of cards. After that we slowly get up hard again, get up, get up …

– What do you think is related to that collapse? Are these things technical or moody?
– I have no comment on the mood – I even tried to calm down to relieve the pressure. We all understand what it would have been like if we had lost. No matter how you experience it, that pressure still runs through your brain. The fact is that we have to face it better and do our job better, more precisely, more fairly and with more confidence.

– Why was this selection so difficult in general?
– The Belgians and the Czechs are good teams. In the first match, as I mentioned, I myself did not expect the Belgians to play so well. The game with the Danes was a hard blow, after which we sat down and played as one more team.

This window was exactly the same. We control the game all the time. It seems that we carry 60 percent. Saturday’s game and that would be enough to beat Denmark, but …

– Were the Danes surprised by your game, even though there was no Lundberg?
– They are great and deserve respect. They come to the game calmly because the Danes have done well and the sword of Damocles does not hang over their heads. In addition to their top players, they discovered other basketball players. Today we took a chance on the triple highs and it all fell apart. There is no risk that we take it out of our heads, everything from the analysis and the observation of the game. Nothing was like that, and today everything (fell).

– What made Larsen angry?
– We agreed to take a chance and got three triples. In the first 5-6 points – three points. Several times we did not issue fines, we ended the attacks in the penalty area. It’s hard to say what else led to his appearance.

– What can you tell the fans before the Olympic qualifiers?
– We will definitely do our best to have a stronger team, have time to prepare more and do our best to be in the Olympics. They don’t even talk about it. We know exactly what team we can put together and then we will try to mold ourselves with that team.

I’m not saying you need to shout for joy, but you and your colleagues know that the buckets with … were ready to be held, but still let them hold. Let’s keep those phrases about fiasco, catastrophe, etc.

I think during this difficult time, not just for basketball, but everyone during the pandemic is upset, angry and restless. The kerosene fill does not help anyone and does not benefit anyone, but everyone does their job. If that seems to be the case (do) … I’m not saying we should be praised, but we have to see (the situation) and understand.

– Are there players who have surprised you?
– Yes, Vaidas Kariniauskas looked great in this window. I don’t know how we would have been without him. Marek takes a step forward, he sees that he looks different in training. Show strength, growth, what I want. They all gave something.
