Mary and Luke met on the street, married just three months later, and are now traveling across the United States with their baby.


The book found on the street turned Mary and Luke upside down. As soon as she had a baby, she gave up a comfortable life, a big house in San Francisco, well-paying jobs, bought a mobile home, and set out on her new life to visit every state, according to a sent press release. .

Seven years ago, Mary was planning her future in Lithuania, and Luke had to go to work in America for a few days. At that time, the man lived in Kaunas and on the day of knowledge he did not even plan to go to the capital. A laughing coin changed Luke’s plans and they met on Pylimo Street in the capital. It was love at first sight that turned into marriage three months later.

“Now that I think about it, everything seems very crazy, for me, 22 years old, I don’t know a boy, I don’t speak the language. However, the marriage and moving to the US seemed so right and no questions arose, “will tell Marija Steiblienė on the LNK show” Bus Everything “this Tuesday night at 8 pm

Just a week after the acquaintance, an IT specialist who had developed a program to manage oil rigs had to fly to work and live in Silicon Valley, Luke told Maria in a modern way, during a video chat.

Maria and Lucas

Maria and Lucas

© Photo from personal album

“He drew a ring on his palm and asked if I would become his wife?” Mary recalls.

After initially working at a Google office, Luke will admit to the show that working for this corporation is highly overrated and that all the free services, like a gym, movie theaters, or free food, are just for the employee to go nowhere. .

“Working there really gives the impression that the company protects you a lot and that if you leave there, everything will have to be recreated.” There is the fear of being nobody without that job, ”Lukas says on the show.

But the couple unanimously agreed that they wanted to get out of the comfort zone because then you weren’t getting better. As soon as they had their son Wind, they decided to throw everything away and let go of the recommendations of a book found on the street about the most beautiful places in the United States. Over the years, the couple have planned to visit every state, but they have been traveling for almost two years and have no plans to stop yet.

“As soon as the wind was born, I remember the sun shining outside, and I say it out loud: throw everything away and let’s go. I didn’t even expect a positive response. After about thirty seconds of silence, Lukas responds: well ”, recalls Marija Steiblienė.

Maria and Lucas

Maria and Lucas

© Photo from personal album

The couple will admit that they first imagined life on wheels a little differently, and the first three months were the hardest. You had to learn to respect the privacy of others while living in a twenty-foot-long mobile home. If you don’t plan your next day carefully, you may run out of fuel, food, or just end up in an arctic cold storm like you did at the beginning of the trip.

“In the morning we get up and we cannot move, not even open the door, because there is a lot of snow outside. The sewer pipes froze, the walls of the hut froze from the inside. We weren’t prepared for a cold like that. We covered with all the blankets and sweaters we had, we hugged the baby and warmed him up by blowing air from his mouth ”, María will recall not very pleasant adventures at the beginning of the trip.

This Tuesday night at 8 pm on LNK’s “Bus Everything” a pair of hosts from Mary and Luke will talk about the most beautiful and amazing places in the United States, the Amish community preparing for the end of the world, and how to reconcile work and life on wheels.

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