Marijus Gailius: your flight has been canceled


Hello, those who trample each other at the gate or in a queue at La Sagrada Familia, but still don’t know what to do without visiting the heads of others in Luke, Poland or Kuldiga, Latvia, hello dear travelers, tourists and bastions , answer yourself, prayers, do you feel more rested after a cheap vacation than before leaving, at least once, or have you thought about the internal confusion your loved ones are experiencing, viewing thousands of digital photo albums with Indelible market holiday impressions, or not remembering this separation, take off, fly and release again the routine feeling of tiredness of the opera character “Sun and Sea” (author: Vaiva Grainytė)?

I really don’t think I can afford to stop

Because colleagues will immediately start to look at me with contempt.

They will say that I am weak.

And I can’t be a loser against myself.

When 9 out of 10 planes land on the ground during a pandemic, it hardly pays to keep it that way, the moral right to fly is transferred to those who do not do otherwise: politicians, military, doctors, scientists, artists of international renown and, of course, expert culinary experts. For entrepreneurs? In the viral age, not necessarily anymore. If from now on the entrepreneur cannot offer his to the online buyer, then the competitors have already done so.

The very idea of ​​not flying anymore is not really blasphemous nor extremely innovative: after all, Artūras Zuokas managed to implement an analogous procedure much sooner than anyone was determined to do. The former mayor of Vilnius requested not only to build a modern museum spaceship, to house Dausuva on the Greek island, he not only rented heat pipes to some Frenchmen and hid Jonas Mekas tapes in the attic, but also killed the Lithuanian airlines before others, which he reportedly founded. . Before the pandemic, A. Zuokas made a preventive move to manage climate change, showing why we don’t need daily airline services.

The last Air Lituanica turbine was shut down exactly 5 years ago, in 2015. on May 22, in Paris, where the Molieres lay in the Per Lazio cemetery to rest forever. At the time, the Lithuanian airlines comic episode, which had been around for just a couple of years, was worthy of the play “Zuoko klastos”, and is now a lesson to other governments and municipalities who are attacking to extinguish the illuminated wings. .

Americans and Italians, some of the countries most affected by the coronavirus, are putting less and less money into the service industry, which is no longer up-to-date. After all, no government will invest in office typewriters or wooden bead calculators when everyone uses computers these days, but in the air, this logic doesn’t work. The Italians send Alitalia airlines by the hand in the same way that we once did our electricity networks: it privatizes it, nationalizes it again. It is true, without electricity networks, it would not be easy to survive even for a family of sails, when air networks are less necessary for us to survive.

One might think that Americans and Italians are protecting their national air assets with their teeth because there are nationalists in power from the air, but progressive Scandinavians are also putting money into their nominal airlines. Retirees from countries that already know about holes in air transport would be better off knowing the size of the packages that governments are feeding to the dragons that survived the pandemic: billions, tens of billions of crowns, euros, dollars . No hundredth will deprive retirees of their ability to keep the economy out of the crisis, just like states that rescue national airlines from the mobility crisis. These countries were unaware of the “Zuoko counterfeits” in their time. It is true that some governments, like the French, naively demand at least higher environmental standards to support an airline called a country.

Unfortunately, the most sustainable way to use air transport services is not to use them. Quarantine has essentially exposed an obvious fact without a pandemic: if we can’t fly, we don’t have to.

Unfortunately, the most sustainable way to use air transport services is not to use them. Quarantine has essentially exposed an obvious fact without a pandemic: if we can’t fly, we don’t have to. Eating, drinking, having electricity and internet is necessary, but flying is not. You won’t even find flying in Maslow’s pyramid of needs, where, I’ll remind you, the needs of physiology, safety, sociality, respect, and self-actualization line up, and flying doesn’t. In fact, flying even contradicts Maslow’s pyramid, as this mode of travel covers your nose and ears and often makes you feel nauseous, it doesn’t create a sense of security, even when the engines are off, socialism on board is appalling sociality and Ryanair’s customer service policy is an antonym for respect, what a humiliation those who pass US border control checks face. Flying provides the greatest individual need, except for aircraft engineers and pilots, with the exception of Rolandas Paksas, who had greater needs for self-actualization.

For cheap tourism, and probably just for it, it would be worth trying that rough statement by Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis: “If a business has such dilemmas of survival a month later, (…) it may not be well with those businesses ” I did not expect to praise the work of A. Zuokas or S. Skvernelis, but bingo: the aviation business in the market has always been “bad”. Air travel still accounts for a small share of 2.5% greenhouse gas emissions compared to road transport and energy production, but the industry is growing so fast that by 2050, according to Carbon Brief, it could devour approximately a quarter of the so-called “carbon budget”. Although we had to fly as little as possible yesterday, we only flew more.

Acid Waves

White foam

In the air – planes

Water – boats …

Perhaps the most prominent indicator of aviation damage is the personal ecological footprint. No, this trace has nothing to do with conducting chemtrails by evaporating vinegar (such an old-fashioned cliche). Eco-footprint calculators make it easy to calculate that a single flight on a Ryanair-filled plane is a slightly greener way to travel than a half-empty luxury airline plane. A couple of years ago, the artist Merūnas Vitulskis flew in an airplane with the only passenger: the experience reminded him of Tvin Pyks. As the only passenger, the singer’s sole responsibility for the pollutants created by the obstacle and the flight, the so-called ecological footprint, the mass of which would surprise even the all-seeing agent Cooper: that’s around 50 tons.

To emit such a large amount of greenhouse gases from its folkvagen, a traditional Lithuanian would have to go around the Earth’s equator about seven times. So even Kazakhs would no longer buy a passport or a golf course with such mileage from the Marijampolė car market. Therefore, it is not worth turning around the world seven times. How to fly is not worth it. If someone finally decided to tax at least kerosene with a carbon tax, we would see the real cost of the flights. I wouldn’t pay even if you saved “on luggage”.

However, the harmful industry is not subject to tax (not counting possible fees for a toilet in heaven here), but is also exacerbated. Why the popcorn business, which has been hit by a pandemic, can easily double when, after all, commercial aviation or the auto industry, or banking, must be rescued? The free market stops working when it is necessary to sponsor more than equal levels. No, tertiary air travel to Turkish tertiary resorts is no more important industry than corn candy. Like some banking instruments, it is not a more important part of the economy than baking twigs or cones. Without life insurance, anyone can survive, without cold beets, nobody.

We, as the third brother Jonas, were lucky again after the collapse of Air Lituanica in 2015. There is no need to resurrect the corpse now. Of course, this is not a success, just a coincidence. However, the question arises whether, with the opening of the air and borders, everything will return to the old clouds, despite pressure on everyone to comply with the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, how do we take precautionary measures? against infection in the third month?

It is like pijarinė In the episode of the party “Laisvės” and free commercial aviation on television “Laisvės” (“Youtube”, 05/10 2020), Andrius Tapinas incited: letting aviation kerosene burn freely even after the pandemic . “This is the good news: if we are offered new directions, and directly, we will drive. Let us fly. Because, unlike the tragedy of September 11, we are not afraid of anything now: we want to travel, and as soon as we give ourselves the opportunity , we will do it immediately “, the satirical writer is convinced. To download:

After the holidays, the hair shines

Eyes twinkle

Everything is calmer

Negi? The carbon dioxide molecule itself is not scary, it is even useful. But like sugar, alcohol, or vinegar in the body, the danger in the carbon atmosphere depends on the amount of the substance: elemental things. Following the “Hold There” line, coal is complete nothingness, ambrosia and the charm of clouds, because life is not measured with coal, but with the dollar, so a difficult isolation lesson will not change in heaven or earth. Non-sentimental journalism veteran Rimvydas Valatka also says: “Don’t worry: the world will be the same after a pandemic” (Delfi, 10/05/2020), appealing to authors who offer visions of a more sustainable reality “Whatever sentimental journalists, writers, or intellectuals write, the world, as soon as possible, will forget the pandemic at the same moment and live as it did before. Despite warming oceans and hot land.”

Listening to A.Tapinas and R.Valatkos, it would seem that the hopes and dreams of tomorrow have expired, and the full life of an individual is only possible by consuming and flying, with politically active people at least every four years.

Listening to A.Tapinas and R.Valatkos, it would seem that the hopes and dreams of tomorrow have expired, and the full life of an individual is only possible by consuming and flying, with politically active people at least every four years. But shouldn’t we, as citizens, demand change every day? Especially since the world is changing despite the gloomy or ultra-liberal tone of the observers.

The quarantine gave the Vilnius government (liberals!) Wings to finally close the old town of the capital from car traffic, because, according to Mayor Remigijus Šimašius: “the quarantine offers an opportunity that Vilnius will use: the cars have decreased , making it a great opportunity to recharge and free the old town from unnecessary traffic. ” (Facebook, 2020-05-07). Vilnius is not alone: ​​for example, Milan has planned to build an additional 35 km of bicycle lanes during the quarantine. Trivia, but. Political will remains valid despite discount coupons and the sale of stocks, shares and coupons. Probably not everyone who gets used to washing their hands in the public bathroom is used to washing their hands, but at least you will always find soap in cafes in the capital: abnormal circumstances even force an unwilling person to do the normal thing.

The first month of isolation, when the center of the capital unexpectedly reached cyclists and pedestrians, and without the mayor’s decisions, he briefly transferred Vilnius to the utopia of the city garden. There has been hardly a sudden increase in pedestrians and cyclists, but in car users. Since drivers are always closed anyway, they probably didn’t have much to worry about closing even more, and pedestrians and cyclists wouldn’t be that close between four walls or four doors – they need air, movement, space (inside, of course , the recommended distance).

So after experiencing a healthy, albeit brief, respite from the pollutants, isn’t it really worth being emotionally intoxicated by the changes in question?

So after experiencing a healthy, albeit brief, respite from the pollutants, isn’t it really worth being emotionally intoxicated by the changes in question? When I last reviewed it, the trip to Frankfurt next Wednesday cost 400 euros, and if you read this sentence it will probably cost you half a thousand already. Following yesterday’s habits, we must incite ourselves: let’s fly, let’s drive, let’s not miss the opportunity. Because we want It is only worth counting, after all, it is so rational that even this one-way bill will not be paid by us, it will be paid by future generations and people from underdeveloped countries who can only dream of a visa, around four hundred silver crosses in the blue sky in May. accompanying unless the eyes.

What a sky, behold, the sun! –

Not a single bubble …

What’s out there – Seagulls or gulls? –

I can’t tell them apart …

Finally, what if you get itchy to go out when you’re embarrassed to fly? (Flygskam – This is a feeling so deservedly invented by Swedes.) In this case, let’s travel by bus, stopping to train our backs and have lunch in Prague or Bratislava, for example, in Ljubljana! I bet you haven’t visited Ljubljana yet, because you didn’t fly there directly from Vilnius or Kaunas. Why, you ask, Ljubljana? For two reasons: the Slovenes were the first to say goodbye to the epidemic and it is impossible not to love Ljubljana. The river is surrounded by the center of Ljubljana and, in addition to the noisy statements, there is a great open-air cafe. Noise and odor do not interfere with enjoying an afternoon drink or a late night snack, as Ljubljana’s city center is isolated from cars. An ascetic but tidy room in the city center is available for the price of a room at the entrances to Vilnius station, plus a pillow fee in euros per day, although the benefits of Ljubljana would not be a shame for two. Ljubljana is worth visiting by bus just to experience life in the more normal capital of the former Eastern Bloc. Having something to compare with the best, having the feeling of being in a sustainable city.

All you need is a bus ticket. With a transfer in Krakow or Bucharest to train your legs.
