Marijampolietė cakes leave customers speechless – hard to look away


Now, according to the news portal, Arūnė lives in a slightly different rhythm, because he is swinging a child of only half a year. But she finds time for her favorite activity – baking cakes – she does it in her spare time. She made her first cake when she was 24 years old, and now her biggest dream is to earn a living from this activity.

“It was very late when I became interested in both food production and baking. I only baked my first cake for a 24 year family celebration, then it all started. I baked for family celebrations, said I like my cakes, then a friend asked me to bake for an allergic child who does not tolerate eggs. For the first time, I baked it for sale and snagged it, ”Arūnė recalled.

(14 photos)

PHOTO GALLERY. Desserts created by Aruna

He changed the law for the pastry shop

Now she remembers with a laugh that the first cake baked for Christmas was not perfect, and the interlocutor herself did not know at the time that the cream could be whipped or how the soda reacts with the acid. However, everyone praised the cake, and the experience accumulated over the years allows us now to look at it with different eyes.

“I had a hard time there, it seemed simple, I found a recipe, I baked a cookie. For me, breaking it down into the required four parts was a mission impossible. I divided it into two parts, yes, but four … Anyway, I did not divide it like that (laughs).

After all the lubrication, it looked like he would take it and apply a knife. It all lasted most of the night until I was done. I glued it on until it was at least a bit like a cake, ”Arūnė recalls the first cake with a laugh.

Now that she talks about cakes, it seems that she has baked them since she was little and has always had a great passion for desserts. It is true that he likes to have fun, but initially he associated life with the law and worked in this field:

“I have a master’s degree in business law, I studied for 6 years. I worked for a law firm, but somehow it didn’t stick with my personality because I’m a seeker of justice.

Then I entered the civil service, it seemed that I would work there for the public and I would feel more satisfied, it would bring some benefits. But I also saw there that there is no such satisfaction in my work or joy. “

After beginning his civil service, he decided to dedicate himself half a year; if he didn’t like it, he looked for other activities. Realizing that it was time to change his activities, Arūnė decided to enter a vocational school in Vilnius.

“I promised myself that I would go to a vocational school and see what that sweet was and with whom to eat it, if it stuck or not, because if I do it, I do it 100 percent, I need basic knowledge to be able to build on it, not be completely self-taught.

I worked for half a year, I said goodbye to my colleagues, I told them where I was going, they all said: “You are doing well, very well. If you know what you want, keep going.” The family looked a little different ”, said the interlocutor.

Gained experience abroad

As he said, he did – he entered a vocational school to study pastry, but he did not finish his studies, because when the opportunity to do an internship abroad arose, and when he returned, he realized that he wanted to gain more knowledge and experience.

“I studied for a year, I went to France with the Erasmus program. There I spent a whole month working in a restaurant of the European Parliament, doing an internship, seeing what it means to work in a restaurant. The great team rotates, making from the simplest cookies even cakes for 300 people.

There was a culture shock there, as much of the baking base is from there, it goes without saying for them. I had to learn everything quickly, because it took a month, and I wanted to understand what it was about and be useful. “

In France, Arūnė gained very useful experience: what she liked the most was that she could try everything herself, even if she failed, repeating it over and over again. As she says, simply looking would not improve.

Returning from France, the girl decided to invest her money and go to crash courses somewhere around here. After searching, he discovered a private school in Edinburgh, Scotland, which is one of the top ten private schools in Europe. She does not hide the fact that time was tight, she had to be ongoing from 8pm until night, but the experience gained here is invaluable:

“The studies lasted only three months, they all fall, but they were very intense, we went strictly from 8 to 18 all day. I really enjoyed the way of teaching because we were a group of seven people from all over the world: Panama, Lebanon, a couple of local Scots. The age groups are also very different. A small group, many teachers, a teacher for two.

We come in the morning, have coffee, chat and then the teacher gives a theoretical part and shows in practice. Then we all go to our tables, we produce, we repeat what the teacher showed. If we don’t understand, we will explain why. “

During the course, I not only had to work at the school, but I had the opportunity to visit the kitchens of the best restaurants, and there were weekly settlements. Here Arūnė learned to bake everything from bread to the most complicated French pastries, and obtained an international diploma in professional pastry.

Arūnė Bindokaitė-Budrė

When she came back she felt unnecessary

After the intensive courses, Arūnė returned to Lithuania after accumulating her knowledge, but she does not hide that she was a little disappointed: she did not feel very needy, so she returned to work in the bakery, where she felt herself and wanted to put in the effort. for more. .

“I came back, it seemed like I had forks, I had money and a lot of hope, and no one needed me. I followed the job offers, I sent CV to a hotel, they were just looking for a new team of pastry chefs, I worked there. Then I went to the kitchen of another five-star hotel. There was an impulse and a better known name ”, referred the interviewee to the accumulated work experience.

The hard work done paid off – chef Martynas Praskevičius noticed her and invited her to work in the best Lithuanian restaurant. There she worked in the kitchen as a pastry chef, but her passion for cakes did not disappear.

“I never gave up on cakes, always, at someone’s request, I gladly made cakes even after work hours, because that was my element. I worked long hours, but practically never refused to bake a cake. “

According to herself, everything was turned upside down by the pregnancy, then she quit her job and spent most of her time in cakes. When asked if she did not regret leaving her career as a lawyer, Arūnė refuses to say that it is very unfortunate that she cannot get a manicure.

“Somehow I didn’t go to the confectionery with my head up and I didn’t even want to look to the right side because it was uncomfortable to get to work in the morning. I wanted to go to work with a flight, because I spend most of the day there, ”he opened.

Production takes a few days to a week.

It’s probably not uncommon for someone to need a cake in the here and now, but in Arūnas you have to order the cake in advance; production takes from a few days to a week.

“I make a standard cake according to all the rules, it takes three days not quite, but it is available. The first day I bake the cookies, the second day I lub them, and the third day I finish, apply and decorate them.

If there is a more sophisticated decoration, it may take longer and it may take a week to arrive, because, let’s say, the paint dries, although I personally like natural decorations more ”, dictated the interlocutor the course of the work.

The most complex cake, as he puts it, is one with many different textures, different biscuits and different spreads – it takes longer, and in summer he avoids making biscuits with mousse, because he cannot guarantee that they will maintain their commercial appearance during the heat.

“Customers love cheesecakes, especially men. I noticed they don’t turn their heads over the spreads, they get a classic cheesecake with red berries or caramel.

I have noticed that women prefer more luxurious flavors: almond flour, fresh raspberries even in winter and they are more inclined towards the classic French side. “

Because she works from home, the girl does not hide that sometimes she has to give up orders due to lack of time and space, because when she has more orders she puts the food in cold bags, and her place in the refrigerator is occupied by cakes. . .

“I am not for the quantity, I am for the quality, and if I see that I cannot guarantee it, I have to apologize and not accept orders.

It happens that it is sent very specific from other bakeries and then I have to cancel an order of this type because I do not copy and I do not want to do it like someone does. Here, first of all, it is ugly and I only explain my position that I do not copy or contact anywhere else or to those who came up with the design, ”said A. Bindokaitė-Budrė.

Dessert created by Arūnė

Revealed the secret of a good cake

Arūnė has revealed the secret of a good cake; You will not believe it, but it is very simple. It is true that it may take a while, but the most important thing is to choose quality products. This is very important to her.

“First of all, good products are not savings, it costs to buy the cheapest products and still get many. A good ingredient in a cake comes automatically from a good product.

The second is freshness. Not that I have cooked the jam and will use it all year. There are things that can be used that way, but I always make just the fillings and cookies for that cake. “

In addition, one of the secrets of a good sponge cake are the different flavors and textures, which as soon as you taste the dessert, pack:

“An important flavor balance is not too sweet, moist to have many textures: something crunchy, smooth, creamy, berry or fruity. It can contain many flavors and textures, so there is an explosion in the mouth ”.

The interlocutor herself now usually produces when a child sleeps, but has bigger plans for the future: she laughs that all of Lithuania does not intend to conquer and most of them would like to open their own patisserie, where people can taste their desserts.

“My main goal is to live freely from what I am doing and expanding. I want to have my own physical place where people can come and taste cakes.

I think the secret is that if I do it right, I will come to me. Managing success and quality in one place is the key to success, ”thinks the girl.
