March 11 signatories go to Anapilin: K. Glaveckas, already 38th on this sad list


Of the 130 Supreme Council deputies who voted for the restoration of Lithuania’s independence more than three decades ago, only 124 are called signatories. So many MPs voted in favor of the Law “On the Restoration of the Independent State of Lithuania”, six more abstained, none of them voted against.

MPs of various professions and ages of TA from different parts of Lithuania destinations developed differently. Not everyone has even reached the end of their term, no one has left this world in their youth.

The economist K. Glaveckas has worked at the Seimas without interruption since 1996 symbolically left in my birthday. Only on April 30. he was 72 years old. A politician belonging to a mixed parliamentary group was denounced on Thursday. is in the hospital. News of the loss came Friday morning.

The youngest signer raised his hand against himself.

The first, before the end of the AT-AS mandate, Anapilin left a lawyer Valerijonas Šadreika. His life was terminated by a serious illness in 1991. on June 29, just after celebrating his 53rd birthday.

In the first decade after the restoration of independence, nearly five more signatories died. In 1993 we lost a famous geographer, since 1991. President of the former Open Lithuania Foundation until his death Czeslaw Kudaba.

1994 m. passed away a 38-year-old philologist Birutė Nedzinskienė, 1996 – philosopher, academic Jokūbas Minkevičius, 1998 – economists Kazimieras Antanavičius.

Among them was the youngest signatory (previously he was only 27 years old on the day of the proclamation of the Act of Independence) Gintaras Ramonas. The Joniškis, a former active member of the Sąjūdis who had acquired the specialty of agricultural economist, was not re-elected to the Seimas.

The signer, who had financial and personal problems, took on various jobs. For some time he held various positions in a company, the municipality of Joniškis, directed the Šiauliai Dramatic Theater, engaged in machine weaving and in the last years of his life worked as a music salesman.

Photo from the Archives of the Seimas / Algirdas Sabaliauskas, Paulius Lileikis, Jonas Juknevičius / First session of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Lithuania

Photo from the Archives of the Seimas / Algirdas Sabaliauskas, Paulius Lileikis, Jonas Juknevičius / First session of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Lithuania

Even in such a situation, he did not give up, in 1997. In the autumn of 2006, he prepared to participate in the competition for the post of administrator in the Joniškis district municipality. However, it was not included, some documents were missing. The indulgent signer with life could not bear it anymore: he raised his hand against himself. He was 35 days old five days ago.

“Nepriklausoma Lietuva has not found a place on this earth for its living signatory Gintaras Ramonas”, 20 years after the Seimas rostrum saying signatory Zigmas Vaišvila.

There was no sad news for several years. But since 2004, one or two AT-AS members have died again every year.

That year we said goodbye to two: an agronomist, former president of the Lithuanian Brewers Association Petru poskumi and a hydraulic engineer, former member of the Kėdainiai District Council Povilas aksomaitis.

In 2005, one day after the 15th anniversary of the restoration of independence, a hydraulic engineer and former member of the Kaunas City Council died. Paliūnas Vytautas, 2006 – economist, former member of the Klaipeda City Council Alfonsas Žalys, 2007 – Mathematician, former Vice Chancellor of Kaunas Vytautas Magnus University and Kaunas District Council Member Antanas Karoblis.

2008 agronomist, member of a later term of the Seimas, former president of the Association of Agricultural Enterprises, member of the Pakruojis district council passed away Algirdas Ražauskas and former vice president of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences and president of the Central Privatization Commission, director of the Institute of Economics, licensed doctor Eduardas Vilkas, 2009 – Member of the last term of the Seimas, former member of the Vilnius City Council, Rector of the University of the Third Century, Doctor of Medical Sciences Medardas Cobotas.

The death of the president and counselor lasted a month and a half

Symbolically, 2010 In less than two months, the first president of restored independent Lithuania left for Anapilin Algirdas Brazauskas and his former advisor Gediminas Ilgūnas.

Photo by Scanpix / then President of Lithuania, Algirdas Brazauskas, at the 1994 Song Festival

Photo by Scanpix / Lithuanian President Algirdas Brazauskas at the 1994 Song Festival

Historian, ethnographer, author and book editor, former President of the Lithuanian Radio and Television Council, 1997-1998. – Advisor to the president, later – Head of the Lithuanian Millennium Commemoration Directorate, president of the Lithuanian Travelers Union died in early May.

The life of A. Brazauskas died after a month and a half, on June 26. He was the only signatory president-elect, although there were more candidates for the position. After a period of withdrawal from active politics, a few years later he returned to 2001-2006. the leader of the Social Democrats acted as Prime Minister. Among other works, A. Brazauskas began the reconstruction of the Palace of the Rulers.

2011 At the end of the 19th century, not only another signatory, but also the former prime minister, president of the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists, Bronislovo Lubio life. Engineer 1992 in July-November he was deputy prime minister, then until March next year, and prime minister. 1993-1994 managed the state company Azotas and later the Achema company. – Confederation of Industrialists of Lithuania. He was the richest Lithuanian citizen for many years.

Photo by Scanpix / Bronislovas Lubys

Photo by Scanpix / Bronislovas Lubys

The following year, two signers, agronomists by profession, died: the former mayor of Palanga and a councilor Algimantas Ulba and former member of the Vilkaviškis District Council Jonas Mačys.

In 2014 we said goodbye to a Germanist, the founder of the Lithuanian Samaritan Community, former member of the Kelmė District Council. Antan Rač and former member of the Council of the Lithuanian Freedom Fighting Movement and of the Lithuanian Sąjūdis, president of the Kaunas Council of the latter Ludwig simutis.

Losses increase over time

Another year brought more losses. Members of the Seimas of several subsequent terms – poet – died in March 2015 compared to a difference of just three days Algirdas Patackas and philosopher, former president of the Union of the Lithuanian Center and the National Center Party, vice president of the Seimas, member of the Var delna District Council Romualdas Ozolas. A journalist, local historian, and member of the Seimas from later periods died in the summer. Juozas Dringelis and educator Francis Tupik.

Four signatories also went to Anapilin in 2016: former Second Secretary of the Lithuanian Communist Party, later Advisor to President A. Brazauskas Vladimir Beriozov, former member of the Seimas, founder of the Call for Citizens Kazimieras Uoka, writer, journalist Gintautas Iešmantas and an opera soloist (mezzo-soprano), a member of the Seimas of a later period Nijolė Ambrazaitytė.

Images from Beriozov

Images from Beriozov

2017 we lost three signatories: a teacher, a member of the Seimas from a later term, a former president of the Lithuanian Teachers Union Romualdos Hofertienės, former president of the Lithuanian Union of Political Prisoners and Deported Valio Gajausko and an art historian, former figure of the Communist Party Lionginas Šepetis.

Then he died with the signatories in 2018 (sailor, former ship captain Juozas Karvelis and a writer Vidmantė Jasukaitytė) and 2019 (Engineer-technologist, member of the Seimas of a later period, former member of the City Council of Panev Ayuntamientožys Julius Beinortas and economist Liudvikas Saulius Razma.

Last year, the qualified doctor of biomedical sciences and agricultural sciences came out Mykolo arlausko life.
