Many Drivers Don’t Know: Why Animals Are Buckled Up With Car Seat Belts


Police officers recall that improper transportation of animals in a car can also lead to fines, which, when traveling abroad, would obscure even the most pleasant impressions of the holidays: in Britain, for example, there is a threat of losing weight. wallet up to 5.5 thousand. euros

The dog’s weight increases 40 times.

According to Raimondas Bieliauskas, Head of the Vehicle Damage Management Division of the Ergo insurance company, it is mandatory to transport animals in cars in a responsible way, since the health and life not only of pets and passengers, but also of other road users are in the hands of the owners.

“When taking a trip with four-legged people, it is important to think about how to get to the destination safely and without worries. Safety must be a priority: for both the driver, passengers and pet. Traveling animals are often stressful, so they can be restless, interfere with driving, or even cause an accident, so the risk of caring for other four-legged people will only increase. Therefore, it is worth remembering that, like seat belts or child seats, certain safety measures in the car are necessary for people and pets, “says R. Bieliauskas.

The words of the Insurer’s representative are only confirmed by the Lithuanian Traffic Rules. It is stipulated that the driver must take care of the safety of pets in the car and ensure that the animals do not interfere with driving, injure or injure the occupants of the vehicle if the vehicle stops abruptly.

Dog in the car, pet

“Drivers are used to transporting smaller and more cowardly animals (hamsters, guinea pigs, cats) in special cages or boxes. However, the larger four-legged dogs, the dogs, are often simply placed in a car. However, it is also not easy for the latter to remain calm, especially if the driver has to perform a sudden maneuver unexpectedly, “says R. Bieliauskas.

The insurer’s representative also notes that the larger the pet, the greater the likelihood of injury to both him and the other occupants of the car in the event of an accident.

“Let’s say a young Labrador Retriever who weighs about 30 kg is not connected to a car and is sitting in the back seat, and the vehicle collides with an obstacle at a speed of almost 60 km per hour. After suffering a blow, the weight of the dog flying in the air increases up to several dozen times. Such force would have extremely painful consequences: not only a pet but also a driver could die “, R. Bieliauskas talks about the importance of complying with KET.

The damage can be double.

Failure to properly care for your pet in the car can also result in penalties. Although not high, officials warn that irresponsible behavior carries a much greater risk of disaster.

Improper transportation of pets in the car faces drivers with a fine of 10-12 euros. However, the probability of a possible traffic accident is much more important. According to the Lithuanian Highway Police Service, a significant number of them occur due to driver distraction, as well as when the steering wheel is engaged in activities that are not related to driving. Therefore, when traveling by car, the animal should not be allowed to move freely.

R. Bieliauskas draws attention to another important aspect: the damage caused by pets to the interior of the car is not insured.

“We note that in most cases, dogs that are not properly transported or left in the car scratch or scratch the interior of the cabin, and these losses are not compensated for under the helmet insurance rules. Therefore, in this case, there is the risk of double damage: you may have to pay a fine and manage the salon on your own, ”says the insurer’s representative.

Pet in the car

Pet in the car

R. Bieliauskas also remembers that it is especially useful to be interested in the rules of animal transport when traveling abroad, because different countries have different laws.

‘When driving in Spain, pets must be transported in safety belts or in specially designed boxes. Failure to comply with the rules will result in a fine of up to 80 euros. In Great Britain, 5,500 people can be charged for inappropriate pet transport. penalties, “says the insurer’s representative.

Don’t sit on your knees, focus on the road

When asked how to avoid losses and properly care for a pet, R. Bieliauskas points out that there is more than one means of transporting animals. First, the insurer’s representative asks for an evaluation of the quadruped’s size and activity.

“Smaller and less mobile pets can be transported in special, more active bags, in plastic boxes or metal cages, fastened with a seat belt. It is convenient to transport a large animal in a suitable trunk, but care must be taken to make sure that the latter is separated by a grid or net and that the four-legged person is sitting there safely. The most important thing is that the pet does not feel lonely in the seat, especially, does not travel the driver in the highway ”, emphasizes the security expert.

R. Bieliauskas adds: it is recommended not to feed the animal for two hours before the start of the trip, otherwise it may feel bad. It is also advisable to cover your pets from the sun and never leave them alone in a hot car: “Before leaving, it is necessary to take care of the water supply, since the animal can run out of water or overheat; then it should cool down. It’s especially risky to let your head pop out of the window while driving, so it’s better to let air in through a small space or turn on the air conditioner. “

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