Mandatory self-isolation for tractor drivers from Monday Business


Until now, crew and crew members working in companies engaged in international commercial transport or engaged in international commercial transport have not required either a test or isolation. However, as of Monday, isolation is mandatory for them from the day of arrival in Lithuania until the day of departure from its territory, but no more than 10 days from the day of return or arrival in Lithuania.

Zenonas Buivydas, general secretary of Linava, explained that after the SAM published the updated isolation rules, the association received many calls and messages from employees in this sector with requests to present these changes.

“Carriers don’t understand why isolation is intensifying at a time when the number of people with coronavirus is declining. According to the carriers, this could lead to chaos, because there is very little time to prepare for the changes, ”he said, then emphasizing that the changes were small.

And Vytas Bučinskas, the vice-president of Linava, assured that the truck drivers had complied with the isolation rules until now. However, the fear arose from the incorrectly communicated information.

“There was information in the public sphere that carriers and vehicle drivers had never been isolated before and that it was not mandatory to do so. And now, supposedly, as of today are mandatory and stricter conditions. This is not the case. All conductors have always been isolated and isolated at this time. It’s just a small change in order, “he said.

Under the new procedure, the exception applies in cases where carriers deliver cargo or come to collect it without staying in Lithuania or in transit through the country.

Arno Strumila's / Photo 15min / Protest transporters invaded the center of Vilnius

Arno Strumila’s / Photo 15min / Protest transporters invaded the center of Vilnius

The isolation period for carriers cannot be shortened earlier than 7 days after isolation after a negative COVID-19 test.

Employees of companies engaged in international commercial transport in Lithuania must also complete the electronic questionnaire on the website of the National Center for Public Health.

RAM Kiūdytė, SAM’s senior advisor, said that until Monday, aircraft carriers were not required to be isolated. It is true that such a provision is valid only if the driver does not need to return to the trip.

“Until Monday, there were rules that forced travelers to isolate themselves when they returned. Isolation was not applied to carriers until this Monday. The application of mandatory isolation has created other necessary conditions,” he said.

VIDEO: Linava: Why the isolation regime for carriers is tightening as the incidence of coronavirus declines

It is true that R. Kiūdytė admits that the conditions for truck drivers are slightly different from those for travelers.

“One of the key differences is that isolation does not apply to the transporters’ relatives when they return and isolate themselves. If you are a traveler, a tourist and you return, you have the requirement that your whole family be isolated together, ”he explained.
