Mandatory coronavirus tests will be carried out on all tourists at Turkish airports.


Diplomacy by phone

Turkish Tourism and Culture Minister Mehmet Ersoy told local media by phone how the four-tier certification system for tourism facilities will work from June. The first stage – airports and airlines, the second – hotels and restaurants, the third – tourist transport, the fourth – tourists.

As the Minister noted, Turkey will carry out state-level diplomacy over the phone. The Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs will send information to colleagues in various countries on the measures the country is taking to protect its citizens and foreign tourists from the virus.

There will be regular telephone consultations with the competent authorities of the main entry markets.
“We will send a ‘letter of intent’ to the parties informing them of their readiness to receive tourists again,” Ersoy said.

The Minister emphasized that the resumption of air services will be gradual, based on mutual agreements between the parties, and only between those areas where the risk of COVID-19 is low.

Tourists will be screened for coronavirus when entering Turkey

Turkey will introduce mandatory coronavirus testing for all newcomers, both foreigners and local citizens returning from abroad. In June, the Ministry of Health will organize special laboratories at airports in major tourist regions, including Antalya, to screen passengers arriving for coronavirus.

The coronavirus test is waiting for everyone, even before the passport checkpoint; The inspection is promised to last 2-3 minutes. The test results will be in 5-6 hours. If a person is diagnosed with a coronavirus, they will be immediately isolated at the hotel and contact will be made with those with whom the person flew on the plane.

As Minister Ersoy stressed, the testing system will be designed to avoid passenger congestion and ensure maximum comfort for people.

Antalya airport

Antalya airport

The all-inclusive system is not revocable

The Turkish Minister of Tourism emphasized that the all-inclusive “hotel” system in hotels will not be canceled. Buffets will remain as well, although they will change. Ersoy has announced that tourists will not be able to pack food or drinks, the self-service will change.

Hotel staff will distribute food and drinks, wearing masks and gloves. All prepared dishes (salads, sandwiches, hot dishes, desserts) must be behind the glass. The Minister assured that tourists will be able to continue eating as much as they want: no one will limit the amount of their food, the staff will carry as much as the client wants.

According to the minister, the first hotels to receive “health certificates” will be announced on June 1. Controls on whether they will fulfill all their obligations will be carried out every month.

All inclusive

All inclusive

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