Malinauskas – on the benefits distributed to pensioners and parents: that sweet will fight


S. Malinauskas, who participated in the “Are you serious?” Program, reviewed the most important and interesting news of the week, including another sound phrase by Minister Aurelijus Veryga, the scandal of Minister Jaroslav Narkevičius, the collapse of the construction of the National Stadium and other news in the media.

This week, the capital announced that Vilnius residents and guests from the capital will soon be able to enjoy the nude beach as well. ¿S. Is Malinauskas going to visit him himself? “I will not scare people with my body,” laughed S. Malinauskas, answering the question if he was going to travel to a nudist beach and added: “I am surprised that nudists have not been on that beach until now.” In fact, such places could be everywhere. And yet I find it funny when people say it’s a big step forward. In fact, it seems completely natural to me, western. “

S. Malinauskas jokingly considered whether the mayor himself would go to the beach opening. “The question is, will the mayor go to the opening of that beach or not? And how he will do everything there, S. Malinauskas argued. “Remigijus would really scare me less than me, but here the ratings would go up.”

The program also discussed the news on the question raised by older people about why they feel discriminated against by the restrictions they apply. S. Malinauskas agreed that the distribution of people is not fair and affirmed that the recommendations are really preparing for good: “Everyone should look at this calmly, with a smile and not cause divisions between the old and the young “

Skirmantas Malinauskas

Skirmantas Malinauskas

© DELFI / Audrius Gavėnas

One of the most discussed news this week is the accusations made against Minister Jaroslav Narkevich. S. Malinauskas said on the show “Are you serious?” That the essential and still unanswered question is about another participant in the story, not the minister himself. His business history is said to be suspicious, as up to hundreds of thousands of renewal orders, his company was neither large nor highly profitable, nor had it provided such services.

It is true that S. Malinauskas also mentioned interesting details in the position of J. Narkevičius. “He was the person who depended on which schools or kindergartens could be renovated. Actually, he was the leader of that group. Any director of kindergarten or school, he usually says, kissed the minister’s hand that if he allowed the school to be renovated, the windows would be changed or the interior would be fixed, “said Malinauskas.

It is still unclear how the STT investigation will end, and it is unclear when and how the quarantine will end. Minister Aurelijus Veryga also said a strong phrase about this this week. “After it is all over, there may not be enough wine. Apparently, something stronger will be needed, “said the minister. Incidentally, this is not the first ingenious phrase the minister said during press conferences. Commenting on the smoking of Minister V. Šapoka during the government meeting, he joked saying that “a glass of beer had just fallen from his hands”.

How does the communication specialist S. Malinauskas evaluate such phrases? “Of course, these written phrases, which he simply repeats after finding an opportunity, don’t look very organic,” said S. Malinauskas. – Of course, it seems to me that Aurelius Veryga has a sense of humor. Not all ministers would put on a mask, sunglasses, a uniform and would come to tell journalists that we must be very calm, everything is under control. “

Malinauskas - on the benefits distributed to pensioners and parents: that sweet will fight

© DELFI / Kotryna Dagenytė

S. Malinauskas stated that the increasing ratings of the Government could be considered good, but it should not be forgotten that they also arise due to the promised global payments, although they are divided by the money loaned. “These are games,” said S. Malinauskas. “The candy being given now will be a big challenge for you next year when it comes to talking about next year’s budget.”

According to him, the borrowed money should be allocated to the areas that have suffered the most. “Social expenses, children’s money, pensions, these are those sweets. In difficult times, it is absurd for children to buy sweets so that we cannot buy bread later,” said the guest of the program.

The program also spoke about halting construction of the National Stadium. Vilnius Mayor Remigijus Šimašius, who posted on Facebook, accused the “peasants” of demolishing the construction. “This is where Šimašius is completely ‘archived’. I really didn’t understand why he attacked the government,” said S. Malinauskas.

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